| ![]() Lessons Learned Handbook:
How to identify a potential lesson learned. Include a discussion of the diverse range
of experiences, both positive and negative, that may constitute a lesson learned.
How to determine what is not a lessons learned.
How to prepare a lessons learned document (content, format, and level of detail).
Assignment of functional categories to lessons learned (See Volume II, Appendix VI).
The discussion of functional categories should include both an explanation of the
categories and how they are to be used to classify lessons learned. If these
categories are different from those defined in your existing site-specific lessons
learned program, explain when each classification scheme should be used (i.e.,
internal communication may utilize the site-specific scheme while all lessons learned
submitted to the DOE-wide system must be in accordance with the requirements
stated in the Lessons Learned Technical Standard).
Validation process and validation criteria. Validation training is particularly important
for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). However, all staff involved in developing lessons
learned should understand the validation criteria and where validations fit into the
lessons learned process.
Security issues, the requirements and process for completing a security classification
and control review and an Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information review, and
the specific process that should be followed for internal dissemination of classified
information (e.g., hard copy dissemination rather than electronic dissemination).
How to disseminate a lessons learned, including use of dissemination and retrieval
systems such as e-mail, Bulletin Boards, and Internet. In some cases, computer-
based training may be available to assist the training process (e.g., on-line training is
available for users of the DOE Technical Information Services through the Office of
Environment, Safety and Health).
Lessons learned communication process including all individuals that must be
contacted at each stage in the lessons learned process, the required timing of the
communication, and the media in which the communication must take place (e.g.,
written notices, verbal, or electronic communication methods).
Use of on-line help and where to get answers to questions.
How to Utilize / Incorporate Lessons Learned Information
Utilizing / incorporating lessons learned focuses on identifying applicable lessons learned and
determining how the information can best be used to benefit the site or program. Key
training topics should include:
How to identify and screen applicable lessons learned.
What to do once an applicable lesson learned has been identified (i.e.,
identification of corrective actions and development of action plans.
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