| Lessons Learned Handbook:
Number (percent) of corrective action plans:
completed on time
Number of lessons learned backlogged (e.g., in need of reviewing, processing).
Average man-hours to process average lesson learned.
Measures of Organizational Performance Impacted by the
Lessons Learned Program
Dollars saved per fiscal year due to avoidance of negative events or
implementation of good work practices. Requires isolating the effects of
information discovered through the lessons learned program.
Percentage of time lost to shut downs or work stoppages. Must be able to
show a change in the percentage of time lost, therefore must have a baseline
measure in place from which to compare. Also, the changes must be directly
connected to information received from lessons learned.
Number of specific actions taken per year as a result of lessons learned. These
can be corrective actions or good work practices.
Number of negative experiences that recur across the complex per year. Must
compare number over consecutive years to get performance measure.
Number of sites that mention lessons learned in their strategic plan and other
high level planning documentation.
Number of times per year that training programs are revised or updated to
incorporate lessons learned.
Number of personnel recognized for reporting to their supervisor events,
conditions, or concerns that, due to lessons learned, they suspect may have
health, safety, quality, security, operational, cost, or environmental implications.
Continuous Improvement
Review and Self Assessment
Annual or semi-annual reviews or assessments of lessons learned programs should be
conducted to determine the status of the program, the benefits that have been
gained by the program, and the problem areas. The complexity and depth of the
review/assessment should match that of the lessons learned program being assessed.
See Volume II, Appendix X for an example of a semi-annual review.
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