| ![]() Lessons Learned Handbook:
In addition to these resources, there are numerous DOE Guides, Orders, Handbooks,
and other documents that provide guidance on training. A list of applicable training
documents is provided in Volume II, Appendix XII.
Training Roles and Responsibilities
Responsibilities for implementation and continued application of DOE lessons learned
training should be distributed across various individuals and organizations. The
following descriptions provide examples of potential training assignments:
Line Management: Ensure overall implementation of lessons learned training,
including the training required by workers to ensure safe performance of their
assigned functions, and training required by those involved in the lessons
learned process to ensure successful implementation and maintenance of the
lessons learned program.
Training Organizations: Review disseminated lessons learned information for
applicability and incorporate applicable lessons learned into new and existing
training programs.
DOE Lessons Learned Points of Contact: Monitor facility lessons learned
training activities, providing assistance as required to ensure consistency with
the overall DOE-wide Lessons Learned Program.
Site or Facility Lessons Learned Coordinators: At the organization level, ensure
that relevant training programs are identified and staff responsible for
implementing the programs are notified. Provide overall coordination of the site
or facility lessons learned program. This should include recruiting and training
(mentoring) of individual lessons learned points of contact throughout the
various organizations at the site or facility, training and mentoring individual
people who may be involved in generating lessons learned, providing lessons
learned "awareness" briefings for all site personnel on a periodic basis (including
making management aware of the necessity, benefits, and workings of the
program), and being a strong advocate of active and successful site participation
in the DOE-wide Lessons Learned Program (the vehicle through which the
dispersed site and facility lessons learned programs will communicate). As
necessary, site and facility Lessons Learned Coordinators should also make
training from non-DOE sources available.
The DOE Office of Human Resources and Administration (HR-33) is specifically
chartered to promulgate Department-wide Professional Development Program policies,
plans, and procedures and to support all Headquarters and field organizations by
providing for the timely development and delivery of training courses with
Department-wide applicability. This role includes development and implementation of
a departmental training. HR-33 may be contacted for assistance in developing lessons
learned training.
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