| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
EXAMPLE 3-20. Notifications in case of delay.
IF the test is delayed until a later shift,
THEN obtain approvals to begin or continue the test from the following
Shift Manager
Central Control
Room Operator
Shift Technical
3.5.6 Terms, Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Avoid using a separate section devoted to terms, definitions, and acronyms in technical
procedures. Users should be adequately trained and familiar with the terms used in the
procedure. Facility-specific glossaries of terms, definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
should be maintained to ensure consistent use of these elements and consistent
interpretation by the user. If the writer decides a term needs amplification in a specific
procedure, the amplification should appear in a note preceding the affected action step or
be incorporated in the action step.
3.5.7 Responsibilities
In technical procedures, responsibilities are implicit in the action statements (see Section 4
of this guide for information about writing action statements). Only action steps that
involve personnel in addition to the user need specify the person responsible for a specific
action. Therefore, because the procedure has a limited number of users, a separate
responsibilities section is not warranted.
Performance Sections
The performance sections contain the action steps that prescribe the principal tasks and
subtasks of the procedure.
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