| ![]() DOE-STD-1063-97
A core training program that will cover the generic subjects in
which the Facility Representative must be knowledgeable; and
The facility-specific training necessary to effectively perform the
duties of the Facility Representative.
Training Objectives and Scope. Training should be directed
toward developing an understanding of the technical and
management aspects of a facility's operation, and a familiarity
with the assigned facility.
Training Progression. When designing a Facility Representative
training program, each field element should consider the
desirability of establishing a standard training progression for
prospective Facility Representative positions.
Advancement Considerations. As qualified Facility
Representatives gain experience, they become a valuable
resource of DOE. Field elements should take necessary steps to
ensure that Facility Representative positions are career
enhancing and remain desirable to Facility Representative
candidates. This includes incentives to maintain qualification, and
the encouragement of skills enhancement through continuing
training, graduate study, and professional certifications. In
addition, opportunities to develop management skills should be
made available. This experience and training should make them
prime candidates for positions of higher responsibility both in the
field and at DOE Headquarters. Field elements and
Headquarters should account for this in the personnel
development plans for their organizations, and in the Facility
Representatives' Individual Development Plans. The DOE-HR
Handbook, Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining High Quality
Technical Staff -- A Manager's Guide to Administrative
Flexibilities, provides various mechanisms that can be used to
retain these valuable resources.
Training of Field Element Management. Field element managers should take
steps to ensure that all field element line management personnel understand
the functions, responsibilities, and authorities of Facility Representatives.
evaluation and adjustment of the program is necessary to ensure a high and
continuously improving level of performance. It is the responsibility of the Cognizant
Secretarial Office and the Field Element Manager to ensure that performance
assessments are accomplished, and any indicated corrective actions are completed.
This function is monitored by the DOE Headquarters Facility Representative Program
Manager, Office of Field Services and Liaison, FM-10, and accomplished using the
following methods:
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