| ![]() DOESTD107393
The bases for the technical content of the CM program plan are (1) the findings of the initial
assessments and (2) the application of the graded approach. For example, the preliminary estimate of
a facility's remaining lifetime should be provided during the program planning phase and addressed in
the program plan. Initial assessment results and immediate corrective actions in response to the initial
assessments should be described in the facility CM program plan.
Completed activities should be described to demonstrate CM program functions that are implemented.
For example, the CM program plan should describe the CM equipment scope criteria, the concepts and
terminology adopted, and any initial CM training. To evaluate existing functions, the contractor should
identity and analyze the existing program elements and functions, discuss the technical content of
those procedures Implementing the CM functions using functional flowcharts, describe the assignments
of responsibilities and authorities for configuration management, and define organizational and
functional interfaces by which the CM program is integrated into a cohesive program. Then, the
contractor should correlate the existing CM program elements and functions with the program criteria,
describe how the existing program and procedural requirements satisfy these criteria, and describe how
the existing program satisfies the CM objective. This analysis should build on the findings from the
initial assessments, which use applicable horizontal assessment techniques. The results of this
analysis should be documented in the CM program plan and should identify areas in which additional
work is needed to rectify any discrepancies between the existing program and the CM program criteria
discussed in Chapter 1. If DOE concurs that the combination of the existing CM program and identified
improvements is adequate, this would constitute a program that meets the program criteria.
The CM program plan should identify the organization that will have overall responsibility for developing
and implementing the CM program. It should include current staffing and a summary of key personnel.
It should also include estimates of staffing necessary to complete CM program development, along
with a staffing plan to meet these needs. Finally, the program plan should identify key organizational
interfaces and provide flowcharts, as appropriate, to show programmatic and organizational
relationships and responsibilities.
Once upgrade actions are identified, these should be prioritized both in relation to each other and in
relation to other planned facilities activities. Schedules should be developed in accordance with these
priorities. The CM program plan should provide schedules for implementation activities with defined
deliverables for each milestone. Cost estimates should be identified for each activity or deliverable. The
plan should also discuss the responsibilities and methods related to the management function of
monitoring progress in the development and implementation of the CM program. Questions such as the
following should be addressed:
How will this monitoring be accomplished?
What parameters will be used to gauge progress?
How will problems be identified?
What levels of facility management will receive periodic progress and problem reports?
How will decisions to make midcourse adjustments to the program be made?
Who in the contractors organization will be responsible and accountable for the progress
achieved? Site/Division CM Program Plans
Facility plans should be consolidated into a site/division CM program plan. This upper-tier program
plan is intended to present both the individual facility CM program plans and additional summary
information such as summary schedules and costs for the site/division. During compilation activities,
the upper-level organization could ensure that the facility program plans are consistent with
expectations. In some cases, individual facility program plans might not be needed where the facility
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