| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
FIRE HAZARDS ANALYSIS. An assessment of the risks from fire within an individual
fire area in a DOE nuclear facility analyzing the relationship to existing or proposed fire
protection. This shall include an assessment of the consequences of fire on safety
systems and the capability to safely operate a facility during and after a fire. [DOE O
5480.30] [EH62dd1]
FIRE LOSS. The dollar cost of restoring damaged property to its pre-fire condition.
When determining loss, the estimated damage to the facility and contents should include
replacement cost, less salvage value. Fire loss should exclude the costs for:
property scheduled for demolition; and
decommissioned property not carried on books as a value.
Fire loss should include the cost of:
A. decontamination and cleanup;
B. the loss of production or program continuity;
C. the indirect costs of fire extinguishment (such as damaged fire department
equipment); and
D. the effects on related areas. [DOE-STD-1066-97]
FIRE PROTECTION. A broad term which encompasses all aspects of fire safety,
including: building construction and fixed building fire features, fire suppression and
detection systems, fire water systems, emergency process safety control systems,
emergency fire fighting organizations (fire departments, fire brigades, etc.), fire
protection engineering, and fire prevention. Fire protection is concerned with preventing
or minimizing the direct and indirect consequences of fire. It also includes aspects of the
following perils as they relate to fire protection: explosion, natural phenomenon, smoke,
and water damage from fire. [DOE O 5480.7A] [EH62dd1]
FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM. Any system designed to detect and contain or
extinguish a fire, as well as limit the extent of fire damage and enhance life safety.
FIRE RESISTANCE RATING. The time that a particular construction will withstand a
standard fire exposure in hours as determined by American Society of Testing and
Materials standard ASTM E-119. [DOE-STD-1066-97]
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