| ![]() DOE-SPEC-3019-96
Enter the cable and terminal lug information for the Owner's interface hardware. If the type of lug supplied is not
critical, delete the following two sentences and enter "Seller's standard" in the above paragraph. Specify type
ground conductor to be used.
Owner's connecting power cable is [ ] [AWG] [kcmil] size, [diesel
locomotive] [ ] type; with [2] [ ] cables per positive and negative pole.
] [AWG] [kcmil] size;
Owner's ground conductor for battery rack is [
[bare copper.] [
e. Interjar connectors supplied shall in no way affect installation of the flame-
arrester vents provided with the cells.
For jars mounted on the same [tier] [step] of a battery rack, provide inter-jar
connectors of adequate length to allow an air space of approximately 1/2 inch
(13 mm) between jars.
Coordinate the following paragraph with the scope of work specified in paragraph 1.3 "Work to be Provided."
proper installation, operation and maintenance. Accessories include the following:
a. Cell numbers from "1" to highest cell number for each battery cell, and positive (+) and
negative (-) sign labels, with provision for permanent field mounting on cell jars or
[racks.] [cabinets.] Seller shall also provide battery [rack] [cabinet] number labels as
noted on the attached [drawings.] [sketches.] The cell and battery [rack] [cabinet]
number labels shall be corrosion resistant.
b. Protective grease such as "No-Ox-Id" by Sanchem, Inc. or
manufacturer-recommended alternate for connections.
c. Touch-up paint for battery [racks] [and] [cabinets].
d. Two insulated socket wrenches for connector bolts.
e. Battery-post insulators to cover all battery post and intercell connectors. Covers shall
be made of a clear material meeting UL 94 flame-spread requirments, and shall have
an LOI rating of 28% or greater.
Coordinate weight limitation with onsite safety restrictions.
Cell lifting device and spreader where cells, including multiple cell units, weigh 50 lb
(22.5 kg) or more.
g. Two insulated socket wrenches for connector bolts.
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