| ![]() DOE-SPEC-3019-96
Spare parts. Provide a list of recommended spare parts, identifying each one
and the specific subassembly to which it applies. Indicate the expected life of
the parts requiring replacement and the minimum recommended inventory of
spare parts for installation startup, continuous operation, and maintenance.
State whether the recommended spare part is a stock or special-order item,
provide the name and location of the nearest supplier, and indicate approximate
lead time required for delivery.
Spare Accessories Furnish and ship with each battery, the following:
Select appropriate number of spare jars, depending upon application.
a. Extra battery jars ([10% of total required by UPS manufacturer] [[
] for
general-purpose application])
b. Extra cell bolts, washers, and nuts (10%) and extra intercell straps (5%) with
a minimum of two straps
Special tools. Furnish all special tools necessary for installation, startup,
operation, maintenance, and adjustment of the equipment and of the accessories
provided. Provide a list of all special tools furnished, identifying the function of
each tool and the specific items for which it is used. Furnish insulated tools
where required.
Corrosion protection. Select a coating system for the steel battery [racks]
[cabinets] to provide corrosion protection during shipment, storage, and
operation in the environment indicated in paragraph 3.2.1. The coating system
provided shall resist the corrosive effects of the battery electrolyte, resistant to
93% sulfuric acid in immersion duty. Stainless steel, galvanized, bronze and
other nonferrous surfaces will not require coating.
Steel treatment. Steel surfaces shall receive Seller's standard treatment prior to
application of the coating system.
Color. Primer and top coat materials shall be by the same manufacturer. Final
color shall be [manufacturer's standard light gray.] [
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