| ![]() DOE-SPEC-3021-97
b. Documents identifying deviations and their acceptance.
c. Performance test results.
Purpose of tests. Factory and field tests shall be conducted to determine that
the materials and work are free from defects and to establish that the design and
construction meet the requirements of this specification and the purchase order.
Owner acceptance of the equipment shall not relieve the Seller of responsibility
for meeting all the requirements of this specification.
Expense of testing. The cost of equipment, instruments, tools, personnel and
other expenses incidental to the tests, including replacement of damaged
materials and subsequent retests, shall be borne by Seller. This does not
include Owner's expense in witnessing the tests.
Failed tests. If the UPS system or any part of it fails to meet the specified
performance guarantees, correct/rework or replace the part which fails, as
mutually agreed with the Owner.
Tests results. Submit test results for Owner review.
Standard inspections. The UPS system shall be completely wired and adjusted
at the factory and given standard inspections, wiring checks, and operation and
dielectric tests to ensure completeness, adequacy and proper functioning of
equipment in accordance with the requirements of this specification and
standards and codes. Even though Seller performs the required tests and the
equipment meets the acceptance criteria, Seller will not be relieved of the
responsibility of providing equipment conforming to all the requirements of the
Wiring tests. Factory test the control wiring as follows:
a. Perform a continuity test on each circuit.
b. Conduct an insulation-resistance test on each circuit with equipment
connected, using a 1000-V megger. The insulation resistance shall be not
less than 25 megohms. (This test is not applicable to circuits containing
NEMA tests. As a minimum, perform the following tests on the assembled UPS
system in accordance with NEMA PE 1 and PE 5:
a. Light load
b. Synchronization
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