| ![]() DOE-STD-1051-93
Where appropriate, action plans should be developed for goals and objectives,
and actions required of multiple departments should be clearly defined. The
action plans should specify actions and responsibilities of each party
contributing to achievement of the objective. Milestones should be established
to assist in tracking progress.
Each department manager should ensure that departmental personnel are
aware of and support the actions necessary for achievement of department and
plant goals and objectives.
The maintenance division manager and department managers should
periodically review progress toward accomplishment of goals and objectives.
Formal reviews of progress should be conducted at least quarterly, and results
should be periodically communicated to maintenance personnel.
Department managers should make recommendations to the maintenance
division manager when changes to division or department goals and objectives
are deemed necessary. Proposed changes should be approved only after a
review of conditions that have changed since the time the goals and objectives
were established and an assessment of the impact of the revised goals and
objectives on the overall performance of the plant has been completed.
Personnel should be held accountable for the achievement of goals and
objectives assigned to them. Personnel should likewise be recognized for
achievement of goals and objectives and for actions performed in support of that
effort. Accountability and recognition should be administered in a manner that
complements the personnel performance appraisal sy stem.
4.3.2 Management Monitoring
Managers should be knowledgeable of personnel performance, maintenance
activities, and plant conditions within their area of responsibility. Direct
involvement and coaching should be used to reinforce management standards and
assess performance. Managers should have frequent and direct involvement with the
work activities under their cognizance. Managers should control external demands
on their time so that their presence at the plant and ability to monitor ongoing
activities is not impacted. Managers and supervisors should clearly understand their
responsibility for setting a professional example for others to follow. Managers and
supervisors should monitor and correct problems of non-adherence to plant policies
whenever observed.
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