| DOE-STD-1063-2006
radioactive waste management, nuclear weapons, nuclear research,
industrial safety, chemical safety, or accelerator facility programs.
Section 5.7 contains additional guidance.
d. As part of the overall staffing strategy, Field Element Managers should
also consider making use of existing DOE and NNSA technical intern
programs to provide a source of prospective Facility Representatives
candidates, especially for sites that have experienced historically high
attrition rates.
e. Field Element Managers should review staffing plans and assignments
of Facility Representatives at least annually to ensure that coverage
assignments and responsibilities are appropriate to the hazards and
level of activity involved.
f. Field Element Managers may also establish provisions for changing
coverage. For example, as the degree of hazard, complexity, or other
governing factors is reduced, the Field Element Managers may
increase the number of processes, facilities, buildings or a reas covered
by a single Facility Representative. Field Element Managers may use
special coverage assignments for a facility that operates only
intermittently. Also, Field Element Managers should consider
periodically rotating Facility Representatives to different facilities to
maintain objective oversight, to broaden Facility Representative's
experience base, and to provide flexibility for backup coverage during
periods when Facility Representative s are absent.
g. Field Element Managers should make Facility Representative
assignments to optimize effective interaction with the facility operating
organization line management responsible for ensuring safe and
efficient performance at the facility. For example, Field Element
Managers may make assignments based on facility and/or operating
organization subdivisions. If the contractor has established a building
or facility manager concept, the Field Element Manager may assign
Facility Representatives on a similar basis.
Facility Assessment Plans and Reports. Field Element Managers should
develop facility assessment plans using a tailored approach to ensure that
a broad-based and systematic review of all aspects of facility operations is
conducted over an established period of time. Assessment plans may
include DOE O 5480.19, Conduct of Operations Requirements for DOE
Facilities, and associated standards, and other safety directives. These
assessment plans should be consistent with the requirements in DOE O
226.1, Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy. Facility
assessments are not intended to conflict with or duplicate other Field
Office assessment efforts nor are they intended to unduly restrict the
Facility Representative's day-to-day oversight of assigned facilities.
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