| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Materials Control - Movement of fissile materials is controlled; fissile material is labeled
including mass, chemical form, and isotopic composition; storage areas are posted with
applicable criticality safety limits; methods are established to monitor the presence and
effectiveness of credited neutron absorbers; access to fissile material handling areas is
controlled and fissile material handler qualification verified; and, control of spacing, mass,
density and geometry of fissile material is maintained to assure subcriticality under all
normal and credible abnormal conditions.
Planned Response to Nuclear Criticality Accidents - Criticality accident detectors are
capable of detecting the minimum accident of concern; the criticality accident alarm system
(CAAS) is designed in such a way as to minimize false alarms; detector placement criteria
for all permanent and temporary detectors is documented; a configuration management
system is in place to assure the ongoing functionality of the CAAS; the CAAS can alarm all
areas of the facility by either audible or visible means; emergency response procedures for
criticality accidents are in place; personnel are trained in evacuation procedures; evacuation
routes and assembly points are identified; procedures for accounting for personnel are in
place; criticality accident drills are conducted at least annually and are as realistic as
practicable; advance arrangements are in place for the treatment of exposed and
contaminated individuals; radiation monitoring equipment is available to response
personnel; radiation monitoring personnel are trained; and, emergency procedures address
re-entry of facilities and the membership of re-entry teams.
Each of the following criteria and associated lines of inquiry should be covered in a facility
assessment activity at least once during a predetermined period. Experience has shown that an
acceptable interval for self-assessing the criticality safety program, including all the material in
this standard as it applies to a facility, is once every three years. This suggested interval may
be adjusted to meet specific site/facility needs. The Assessor should establish appropriate lines
of inquiry and may use the ones suggested below or may generate his/her own for a given
assessment activity. While these lines of inquiry may be used verbatim, tailoring them to site-
specific applications and language is encouraged. Lines of inquiry that do not apply to a given
facility should not be used. Finally, proper use of this self-assessment standard requires
knowledgeable (i.e. in criticality safety and safety management) personnel performing extensive
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