| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
standards, and best practices; the staff is interactive, both internally and externally having
access to criticality safety professionals to provide assistance as needed; the staff
understands the physics of criticality and makes use of experimental data, handbook data,
and bounding methods where applicable; the staff participates in training personnel; the staff
participates in audits of operations; and the staff examines reports of procedural violations
and criticality infractions and recommends improvements in safety practices to
Operating Procedures - Procedures are written and organized to facilitate operator use and
understanding; procedures contain criticality controls; mechanisms are in place to facilitate
revising and improving procedures on a periodic basis; new or revised procedures involving
fissile material are reviewed by the nuclear criticality safety staff; procedures are
supplemented by postings; postings are easily visible, understood by operators and contain
clear, and contain all criticality controls implemented by the operator; deviations from
procedures and processes and criticality infractions are investigated promptly, documented,
reported to management, categorized according to approved procedures, and actions are
identified to prevent recurrence; criticality infractions are resolved in a timely manner; and,
operations are reviewed frequently (at least annually) to assure that processes and
procedures have not been altered in a way so as to affect the applicable nuclear criticality
safety evaluation. The objectives of this section are met, in part, by nuclear criticality safety
staff maintaining familiarity with day-to-day process operations through activities such as
attendance at Plan-of-the-Day meetings, pre-evolution briefings, on-the-floor presence at
the operations site, participating in regular audits, etc.
Process Evaluation for Nuclear Criticality Safety - All fissile material operations are analyzed
to show that the processes will remain subcritical under all normal and credible abnormal
conditions; the criticality safety evaluation is documented in a clear unambiguous manner;
contingencies and controls are explicitly identified; calculational methods are properly
validated; priority is placed on experimental data, handbook values, and bounding methods
where applicable; engineered safety features are relied on to provide criticality safety to the
extent practicable; procedures for producing criticality safety evaluations, limits, and
postings are used; and criticality safety evaluations are independently peer reviewed before
operations are authorized.
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