| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
tours of facilities, interviews of personnel, reviews of documentation, and observations of work
practices. Important safety issues may be missed entirely if assessments are limited to
paperwork reviews only. Criticality safety related ORPS data, including conduct of operations
occurrences potentially affecting criticality safety, are relevant to such reviews and should be
In each of the sections that follows, specific lines of inquiry are presented for each of the major
criterion sections of ANSI/ANS-8.19-1996. These are keyed to the ANSI Standard by topic
heading and subsection number within the Standard itself.
Criteria: Section 4.1, Responsibility for Safety
Does the Contractor Facility Management demonstrate continuing interest in criticality safety as
evidenced by conducting safety meetings, issuing safety bulletins, inspecting facilities on a regular
basis, and ensuring continuous improvement in safety?
Does the Contractor Facility Management demonstrate continuing interest in criticality safety as
evidenced by regular meetings with the criticality safety engineers and the Nuclear Criticality Safety
(NCS) manager?
Does the Contractor Program Management regularly meet with the NCS manager?
Criteria: Section 4.2, Criticality Safety Policy
Does the Contractor have a written criticality safety policy?
Are all fissile material handlers and their supervisors familiar with the criticality safety policy?
How is compliance to the Contractor criticality safety policy required of all program personnel
performing work?
Criteria: Section 4.3, Responsibility for Implementing Policy
Are the roles and responsibilities of the Criticality Safety Engineers (CSEs) documented?
Are the roles and responsibilities of the NCS Manager and Organization documented?
Are the roles and responsibilities of the Criticality Safety Officers (CSOs) documented, if applicable?
Is there a clear distinction between the roles of the CSO and the CSE?
Is line management assigned responsibility for criticality safety?
Has the Contractor assigned responsibility for oversight of the NCS program?
Criteria: Section 4.4, Criticality Safety Staff Independent of Operations
Does the Contractor have sufficient funding to assure continuous support by NCS Staff?
Does the Contractor management provide discretionary funding to the NCS manager to provide
training and professional development for the NCS staff, to address laboratory wide issues, to
maintain the NCS program documentation, and to ensure that criticality safety codes and platforms
are verified and validated?
Does the NCS Staff have unilateral, unscheduled access to the facility and operations personnel?
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