| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Does the Contractor have a plan or policy to assure the NCS Staff is familiar with fissile operations?
Does the Contractor issue requirements for the qualification and training of NCS Staff, including
Is the Contractor NCS Staff administratively independent of operations?
Do all members of the NCS Staff have technical degrees in physics or nuclear engineering or another
technical degree judged appropriate by NCS management?
Criteria: Section 4.5, Monitoring the Criticality Safety Program
Who is responsible for monitoring the criticality safety program?
Are criticality safety related performance metrics in place and used by management to monitor the
effectiveness of the program?
Do the criticality safety performance metrics encourage self-reporting of deficiencies and continuous
Do the criticality safety performance metrics promote practices that prevent repeat criticality safety
infractions of the same type or for the same operation/process?
Are the criticality safety performance metrics measurable and objective?
Do the criticality safety performance metrics encourage development of a strong staff and program by
measuring performance in the training and qualification program of nuclear criticality safety staff,
professional development, participation in the American Nuclear Society Nuclear Criticality Safety
Division, preparation of technical papers, etc.?
Are all deficiencies related to criticality safety entered in a corrective action tracking system?
Are mechanisms in place to validate closure of all criticality safety related deficiencies?
Does line program management maintain awareness of criticality safety deficiencies through the use
of a corrective action tracking system?
Is there a program or procedure for trending deficiencies in the criticality safety program?
Does the Contractor perform assessments of compliance to operating procedures?
Does the Contractor assess implementation of conduct of operations?
How are NCS funding levels proposed and approved?
How does the Contractor management determine that funding for NCS is sufficient and is there a
mechanism for adjusting the funding during the fiscal year?
Criteria: Section 4.6, Participation in Audits
Does the Contractor management participate in review teams or committees to assess facility
criticality safety programs?
Does the Contractor program management routinely audit operations for compliance to criticality
safety requirements?
Does the Contractor facility management routinely audit operations for compliance to criticality safety
Does the Contractor perform NCS management self-assessments of their criticality safety staff and
Criteria: Section 4.7, Nuclear Criticality Safety Committees
Does management utilize a nuclear criticality safety committee to assist in monitoring and improving
the criticality safety program?
If nuclear criticality safety committees are used, do they report directly to the Senior Management?
Are the findings from the nuclear criticality safety committee, or equivalent, entered into a tracking
database and corrective actions implemented?
Are outside consultants utilized to provide an independent viewpoint on the overall criticality safety
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