| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Criteria: Section 5.1, Responsibility for Safe Operations
Do line program supervisors accept responsibility for criticality safety of their operations? Is
ownership demonstrated by the following: 1) approving criticality safety postings; 2) reviewing and
approving criticality controls in procedures; 3) participating in the development of criticality safety
evaluations; 4) participating in the development of credible process upsets for the NCS staff to
consider; and 5) approving criticality safety evaluations for operations?
Do line supervisors ensure that operators participate in the development of criticality safety
evaluations, identification of credible process upsets, limits, and controls including identification of
engineered controls?
Criteria: Section 5.2, Knowledge of Criticality Safety
Does line program supervisors formally review credible process upsets and criticality accident
scenarios analyzed by the NCS staff during development of the CSE?
Do line supervisors and operators under their supervision identify practical engineered controls that
can be implemented in lieu of administrative controls during the preparation and/or review of criticality
safety evaluations and limits?
Do line program supervisors understand the underlying assumptions in CSEs which involve
configuration of equipment, facility modifications, isotopic composition, etc.?
Is the Nuclear Criticality Safety Staff requested to provide NCS training to line program supervisors?
Does line program supervision know the safety basis for the criticality controls for their operations?
Does the NCS staff provide advice and assistance to line program management regarding
implementation of NCS controls?
Criteria: Section 5.3, Operator Training
At a minimum, operators receive criticality safety training in accordance with ANSI/ANS-8.20,
"Nuclear Criticality Safety Training."
Do supervisors provide job specific training on procedures?
Are walkthroughs and dry-runs on procedures provided?
Do pre-job briefs cover criticality controls specific to the operations at hand?
Do plan-of-the-day meetings address criticality safety related topics like work restrictions due to
criticality safety infractions, availability of new procedures and postings, need for NCS Staff
participation, results of recent criticality safety assessments/surveillances, etc?
Do supervisors maintain training records for their personnel?
Do supervisors ensure that their personnel are current in criticality safety classroom training?
Are there required reading records or other evidence that personnel are knowledgeable of changes to
procedures, and criticality safety postings?
Can supervisors and operators answer questions about the basic criticality controls for their
Can supervisors generally describe the contingencies and controls for the contingencies for their
operations including credited engineered features and key facility assumptions, if any?
Do supervisors ensure that personnel have demonstrated an understanding of modified or revised
procedures, and criticality safety postings prior to authorizing work?
Are there records of job specific training on procedures and criticality safety postings?
Do supervisors request assistance from the Nuclear Criticality Safety Staff to provide training for
operations personnel?
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