| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2004
at 950C. The heavy line that passes through the data points is a statistical regression, and is
given by the relationship
Fp = 0.2348 + 0.05673 ρbulk
Where Fp is the density ratio, and ρbulk is the bulk density. The standard error of an estimate
made using this regression is approximately 0.079. A "bounding" estimate can be made by
adding twice the error to the estimate. That is shown in Figure B-2 by the dashed, lighter
weight line that is above all the data points.
Estimated Temperatures
The final parameter required for use of Equation [25] is the gas temperature. As it is impractical
to measure this quantity, it is necessary to calculate it. In this appendix, we are only interested
in providing guidelines for use of Equation [23], and so will use "worst case" temperatures that
might be encountered. Calculations at the Savannah River Site by Hensel for a configuration in
which a storage package generating 19 w is placed in a 9975 transportation package indicate an
average gas temperature of approximately 164C for normal storage conditions in an ambient
temperature of 37.8C (100F) (see Table A-1). These calculations also indicate an average gas
temperature of approximately 211C for transportation conditions (exposure to solar heating).
These temperatures are probably bounding and may be used when other information is not
available. Each storage facility should evaluate average gas temperatures under the conditions
anticipated at that facility, such as loss of cooling events, to determine appropriate evaluation
Example Calculations
Example Pressure Calculation for Weapons Grade Oxide
Assume that a BNFL container will be loaded with 5.0 kg of weapons grade oxide that has a
density of 10 kg/l (and is therefore assumed to be fairly pure) and a moisture content of
0.5 wt%. The package was loaded at 86F (30C), and could encounter conditions in the
storage vault in which the gas temperature might reach 400F (204.4C). The heat generation
rate is 2.8 w/kg times 4.4 kg of Pu, or 12.4 w. The evaluation temperature is 204.4 + 273 or
477.4 K, and the loading temperature is 30 + 273 or 303 K. The values of the parameters used
in the pressure equation are summarized in Table B-3.
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