| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
other adverse impacts, or are necessary to satisfy
Safety Requirements
other DOE programmatic mission considerations.
a. Safety Class
b. Safety Significant
The General category is used for requirements that
c. Other Safety Requirements
do not fit into the other categories.
Environmental Requirements
Mission-Critical Requirements
This set of classifications is based on DOE-STD-
General Requirements
3009 for nuclear facilities.
This set of
classifications, a modified set, or a completely new
Requirements classified as Safety-Class or Safety-
set of classifications may be used for nonnuclear
Significant are those identified as necessary for
Safety-Class and Safety-Significant SSCs to
accomplish their safety functions, as established as
established by the hazards analysis and safety
analysis processes.
The "Other Safety
Requirements" classification applies to those
A major function of the SDD is not only to state the
requirements that, although not classified as Safety-
engineering requirements on the system, but also to
Class or Safety-Significant, still perform functions
explain the basis for those requirements. Basis
considered important to overall facility safety and
information explains why the requirement exists,
are part of worker safety or the defense-in-depth
why it is specified in a particular manner, and why it
safety basis for the facility.
has a particular value. While it is highly desirable
that the bases for all requirements be documented in
The safety requirements statements shall be
the SDD, it is imperative that the basis information
consistent with, and be explicitly correlated back to,
for safety requirements be stated in the SDD.
the corresponding statements of functional
requirements and performance criteria in the facility
Technical basis information shall be included
FSAR, TSRs/OSRs, and other authorization basis
directly in the body of the SDD immediately after
documents, if the authorization basis has already
the requirement, rather than relegate such
been established for the facility. One convenient
information to an appendix or refer to another
way to correlate these requirements is to use
document. However, the basis may be provided in
footnotes. For example, a footnote to a particular
one place for a group of related requirements. The
requirement statement might say, "This requirement
bases for the requirements should be presented in a
corresponds to Requirement on Page 4.4-12
manner that minimizes the disruption of the reader's
in the FSAR (Reference 3 in Appendix A)." An
flow of thought. The recommended manner for
alternate way to correlate these requirements is with
presenting the basis information is to provide it in
a table (for example, a requirements matrix) in a
separate paragraphs that are set off in a special
separate Appendix or Attachment to the SDD.
format or font that is clearly discernable. The
following example illustrates this approach:
Often the Environmental Protection category is
omitted from requirement classification lists.
Sometimes environmental protection is taken to be a
subset of safety in general. The environmental
protection category should be considered separately
and explicitly in the SDD in order to make sure that
this important set of requirements is not overlooked
and to address requirements related to environmental
Mission-critical functions are those that are
necessary to prevent or mitigate substantial
interruptions of facility operations or severe cost or
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