| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
One method of referencing the source documents
temperature trip setpoint on the
that has been found to be user friendly is to provide
ventilation exhaust fan shall be 175-
the bibliographical information on the source
documents in an Appendix to the SDD. Then
footnotes can refer to particular source documents
Basis: The setpoint was chosen high
and provide specific page references where they are
enough above normal operating
appropriate in the body of the SDD. For example,
exhaust air temperature of 140EF to
avoid spurious trips of the ventilation
the footnote for a particular requirement might say:
exhaust fan, but low enough to
"See Appendix A, Reference 5, pages 12-16." This
provide early detection of hot gases.
technique has the advantage that complete
The safety analysis shows that in the
bibliographical details do not need to be repeated
event of a fire, the consequences to
each time a document is referenced. In addition, this
workers from the spread of toxic
products of combustion are acceptable
technique can also make SDD revisions easier.
if the fan is tripped before exhaust air
Such footnotes need not be limited to a single source
temperature reaches 200EF.
If more than one source
document/reference contains pertinent information,
Basis information can take different forms. Specific
they should be included in the footnote.
engineering documents (such as studies, analyses,
calculations, and reports) are important basis
The following sections of this standard have been
references. In addition, appropriate and specific
numbered purposely to correspond to the sections of
references to national codes and standards should be
an SDD, as shown in the outline on page 1, to make
included in the basis references, when appropriate.
this standard easier to use.
Operational experience and standard engineering
practices are valid reasons that could justify a
3.1 General Requirements
3.1.1 System Functional Requirements
This subsection shall state those functional
Specific references are essential to understanding
requirements and their bases, for both safety
and using the SDD.
References to source
requirements and non-safety requirements, that are
documents from which requirements and basis
necessary to fulfill the system function statements.
information has been extracted adds traceability to
If the requirements and bases have already been
the SDD and improves its credibility. To the extent
presented earlier in the SDD (see for example, item
that such reference documents are available, the
c. in Section 2.1), refer to that section rather than
source documents that contain the cited
repeat the information.
requirements or the bases information shall be
referenced in the SDD. Even if the supporting
Note: Functional requirements in
reference document contains only the requirement
general relate to how the system
but not the basis information, such as may be the
functions, performs, behaves, or
case for a procurement specification, that document
responds to particular conditions.
should be included as a reference.
Non-functional requirements should be
addressed in other subsections that
In some cases, the requirement or basis information
correspond to the most fitting
is not recorded in a separate document, the
engineering or topical category, such
documentation no longer exists, or it is not feasible
as those that address reliability
to retrieve such a document. In those cases, the
features, electrical power needs,
reference should state that a documented reference is
testability, or quality assurance
not available, so as to avoid potential confusion and
wasted effort.
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