| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
Requirements and Bases statements should be
without approval from others such as site-level
appropriate, concise, and meaningful. System
contractor management or a regulatory authority. It
requirements statements should be clear and specific
is important to include all requirements and their
and should not include basis information. For
bases in the SDD regardless of their source or
example, a requirement statement such as,
importance, because the SDD is intended to identify
"Redundancy is required to mitigate component
all requirements and bases for a system so that
failures" would be better stated as, "Full-capacity
operations and maintenance personnel will have the
redundancy is required for the following
complete understanding necessary for safe, reliable,
components: ...." and providing the explanation for
and efficient operation of the system.
this requirement as part of the basis information. In
addition, the bases statements should be informative
Categorizing requirements by type, as shown in the
and provide value-added instead of merely re-stating
outline on page 1, has been found to be useful for
the requirement in different words.
identifying information that may be sought quickly
for making decisions concerning system Operability
and compliance with the authorization basis. This
categorization is also helpful for routine searches,
for example, it might be necessary to find all seismic
System requirements build on and logically support
requirements for a given system or for the facility
the system functions. For example, a system
function statement might say that the system has to
function "on a highly reliable basis." The system
Repetition of requirements should be avoided.
requirement statements would then specify those
However, some requirements could fit into more
features, such as component quality requirements
than one section of the SDD, as shown in the outline
plus redundancy and diversity requirements, that
on page 1 of this standard. For example, a
provide the high reliability for the system.
requirement might say that certain components must
go to specified positions (open, or closed) upon loss
The requirements and bases to be included are those
of electrical power. From one perspective, this
related to the system as a whole and those that are
might be considered to be an electrical power
specific to individual subsystems and components
engineering requirement (Section 3.3.4). From
within the system.
another perspective, this same requirement could be
viewed as a reliability requirement (Section 3.5.3).
Requirements come from various sources. For
In such cases, the information should be presented in
example, some requirements might originate from
only one section of the SDD and then that section
regulatory agencies such as DOE or EPA, from
referenced in other sections where the same
state and local governments (such as release limits
information becomes pertinent. One approach is
or building codes), or from DOE contractor
simply to place the requirement in the first section in
organizations such as site management, design
the SDD in which it becomes relevant. Another
engineering, construction, ES&H, or facility
approach is use engineering judgement to select the
management. Also, requirements can have different
most fitting section for the requirement.
levels of importance.
For example, some
requirements are part of the DOE authorization
Requirements shall be classified with regard to their
basis for a facility, and operation of that facility is
importance to ensure appropriate consideration in
allowed only if those requirements are complied with
system operation, maintenance, performance
(such a requirement can be changed only if prior
evaluations, and evaluation of system changes. The
approval is obtained from DOE).
following hierarchy, or equivalent, shall be used.
requirements may be designer options considered
desirable for various reasons and have no bearing on
the facility authorization basis. Such requirements
may or may not affect operations directly, and may
be changed as deemed appropriate by the design
authority (which may be the facility management)
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