| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
functions. To the extent practical, piping and
Mechanical boundaries should be based on
instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) should be
components, and not based on a room location.
provided as the system diagram. For a fluid system
Such components may be capable of isolating one
or a ventilation system, the system diagram might be
system from another system. For example, these
some form of a flow diagram. A P&ID is a system
components might be isolation valves or dampers,
flow diagram that also shows the location of
fill and drain valves, vent valves, or safety relief
installed instrumentation and controls. For an
valves. The system boundaries should extend out to
electrical system, the system diagram might take the
and include such interface isolation devices.
form of a one-line diagram. For electronic systems
that involve components such as transducers,
Heat exchangers are typically assigned to the system
bistable voltage comparators, and power supplies, a
from which the heat is being removed, when the
system functional block diagram might be the most
primary function is remove heat; or to the system
informative. For a computer system, the system
that is being heated, when the primary function is to
diagram might take the form of a combination of a
provide heat. Mechanical support components for
hardware diagram and a summary logic diagram.
piping and duct work should be included in the
primary system, unless a separate facility system
The system diagram shall encompass at least all the
has been defined to address such supports
major components provided to meet the
requirements of the system. The components shown
on the diagram should be identified in the same
Electrical boundaries are usually located at circuit
manner as the equipment is labeled in the field.
breakers. For electrical power distribution system,
Pertinent sizing values should be shown on the
those breakers that route power to other distribution
diagram. For example, a fan may be identified as
points are usually considered to be part of the
10,000 cfm, a pump may be labeled as 250 gpm, an
electrical power system. However, those breakers
electrical transformer may be identified as
that provide power uniquely to a particular system
are often considered to be part of that system,
instead of the electrical power system. For example,
This section should also describe any operational or
if a particular pump motor gets its electrical power
maintenance features that are beyond the design
from a specific circuit breaker in a panel, the
requirements. For example, a ventilation damper
breaker is assigned with the pump motor to the
position indicator may have been installed in the
pump system. The system boundary for the pump
operations center (in addition to the local position
system would be at the input/line/supply side of the
indicator) as an enhancement due to operational
circuit breaker, not at the load side of the circuit
problems with that particular damper.
When instrument air is provided to support the
4.1.2 Boundaries and Interfaces
functioning of a system, the instrument air
It is important to define the boundaries of the system
components that are necessary for the system being
so that components at or near the boundaries are
described to accomplish its functions are usually
classified properly and hence receive appropriate
considered to be part of that system. Where
attention in activities such as the procurement of
applicable, the boundary of the system should
replacement parts and maintenance actions.
extend out to and include the first upstream isolation
valve in the air supply if the system can still
The precise boundaries of the system should
function when the isolation valve is closed.
encompass all components necessary for the system
Sometimes this may be at a check valve associated
to meet all of its requirements. This includes
with an air accumulator.
mechanical boundaries, electrical boundaries, other
support systems boundaries, and instrumentation
The Instrumentation and Controls (I&C) systems
and controls boundaries.
are usually not designated as separate systems but
rather are most often considered integral portions of
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