| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
the system being controlled. The system boundaries
4.1.4 Principles of Operation
are then usually determined by the interfaces with
the supporting electrical power or instrument air
This section shall describe generally how the system
necessary to make the I&C portions perform
operates with emphasis on how the system
accomplishes its required functions. This discussion
should also describe other operational features about
A separate I&C system may include sensors,
the system. For ease of understanding, the
controls, signals to actuated equipment, and alarms.
discussion should use a walk-down approach,
For example, an I&C system might include a flow
referring to and following the system and subsystem
sensor, a signal comparator, and a control signal
flow paths in the diagram.
that would open a valve more if the flow were to be
below the desired value, or close the valve if the
The description should not be limited to the required
flow were to be above the desired value. If the I&C
performance, but rather it should reflect the full
system has been designated as a separate system, the
capabilities and capacities of the installed system.
boundaries might be selected at the mechanical
Extra optional capabilities of the system design,
output connections to the flow sensor and at the
beyond that required, such as extra capabilities
input signal connections to the valve actuator.
beyond the safety margins that were added by the
designer or were obtained as part of the procurement
Interfacing systems need to be defined with the level
process should be identified to prevent these from
of detail necessary to ensure proper functioning and
being considered as part of the "safety margin" at
necessary support. The most critical of these
some time in the future. For example, a particular
interfacing systems are "support systems" because
set of components might have been required to be
they provide services that are necessary to the
designed for a 0.20 g earthquake, but the actual
system being described. Electric power (both
equipment was designed and qualified for a 0.35 g
motive power and control power), steam power, and
instrument air are examples. For the current actual
configuration of the system, the important
The discussion should be appropriate to the intended
characteristics of the support systems shall be
audience of the SDD. This discussion should not be
so detailed as to approach an engineering analysis or
so simplistic as to not add value to the SDD. This
The system being described may also provide
discussion should be developed in coordination with
support that is essential to the performance of
the discussion of the system operational
another system. For example, a particular control
considerations to be provided in Section 4.2
system may be essential for the proper operation of
"Operations" in a manner that avoids unnecessary
a ventilation system.
overlap or repetition.
When components of the system are unusual or
4.1.3 Physical Layout and Location
complicated, the principles of their operation should
The system diagram, being schematic in nature,
be explained. For example, if the system contains a
does not identify the location of the equipment or
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller, its
physical configuration. This section (or another
operation should be summarized because many
figure) should explain where the equipment is
readers may need to be educated on this type of
installed (building, room numbers) and its physical
controller or at least reminded.
arrangement within each room. Any special features
regarding the installation, location or arrangement of
4.1.5 System Reliability Features
the equipment should be explained.
This section shall describe any attributes, features,
design or operating characteristics, and other
information important to the reliability of the
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