| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
the system as a whole and to the components of the
suppose a requirement on the system is that the
system, and should identify any specific QA actions
centerline of a pump suction line be located more
deemed to be necessary. When the general QA
than 8 inches and less than 14 inches above the
category provides for options related to specific QA
bottom of a tank. This requirement might have been
activities, the SDD shall identify which options
based on a combination of net positive suction head
apply to this system.
When specific QA
considerations for the pump and avoiding debris that
requirements, such as witnessing vendor testing, are
may be on the bottom of the tank. In describing the
applicable only to certain components, those
system, do not simply repeat the 8 to 14inches
requirements should be identified (perhaps, in a
requirement, but rather describe the actual
table) in the SDD.
installation more specifically, such as the centerline
of the suction pipe is 11.25 inches above the bottom
of the tank. For a requirement that a valve be
3.5.5 Miscellaneous Requirements
provided with position indication that is displayed in
This part of the system requirements section of the
the control room, do not simply say that valve
SDD is for requirements and their bases that do not
indication is provided in the control room. State
fit conveniently into the other defined subsections.
more specifically that, for example, valve position
limit switches are provided on the valve that indicate
on the auxiliary systems panel in the control room
Chapter 4
when the valve is greater than 90% open (green
light) or greater than 90% closed (red light).
System Description
In addition, features of the system description that
The SDD shall include a comprehensive description
are related to the system requirements shall be
of the system, including both its safety features and
correlated. One method for this correlation which
non-safety features. The SDD description shall
has been found effective and convenient is to use
emphasize those features provided to meet the
footnotes. For example, a footnote to a particular
requirements on the system.
feature, characteristic, or performance capability
might say "This feature is related to System
This section of the SDD shall identify the
components of the system; describe how those
components are laid out physically and
4.1 Configuration Information
interconnected; explain the system flow paths;
identify the indicators, controls, and alarms
4.1.1 Description of System, Subsystems, and
provided; define the acceptable ranges for system
Major Components
performance and setpoints; and explain how the
system operates.
The detailed system diagram shall identify the
components in the system and their interconnections.
The manufacturer and model number for
This diagram should extend sufficiently to identify
components in the current system configuration
the interfacing equipment and systems. The
must be recorded in a controlled document for
boundary between the system being described and
several reasons including to facilitate identifying the
the interfacing systems shall be shown on the
applicable information in vendor-supplied
diagram in a distinctive manner. Similarly, the
documents. In some cases, the SDD may be the
subsystems that have already been shown in the
most appropriate place to record this information. In
simplified system diagram in Chapter 2 of the SDD
other cases, the SDD may reference a separate
should be identified in a distinctive manner that can
controlled document such as the MEL or Bill of
be correlated with the earlier diagram. For a very
Materials that contains this configuration
simple system, a single diagram may be used.
A purpose of the system diagram is to illustrate
Describe the system with specific values, rather than
which components are needed to fulfill the system
simply repeating the requirements. For example,
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