| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
is expected by the contractor,
3.5.2 Special Installation Requirements
they become requirements on
the system and hence they need
This subsection shall identify any requirements (and
to be included in this section.
their bases) that may exist related to special
arrangements, locations, or installation of
Note: In some cases, an industry code
components of the system being described. These
or standard may mandate certain
might include alignments, shock mounting, lengths
inservice inspection (ISI) or testing
of electrical signal cable, special routing
(IST) activities. In many cases, the
requirements for pump Net Positive Suction Head
manufacturer recommends certain
considerations, physical separation between
checks, tests, and calibrations that
redundant equipment, location requirements to
need to be adhered to (unless a local
minimize equipment interferences, and "free space"
engineering analysis establishes a basis
requirements for maintenance access.
for alternate activities or a modified
Note: Some installation requirements
schedule for those activities).
may be specified in the vendor's or
manufacturer's technical information
3.4.4 Maintenance
that comes with the equipment. For
example, some equipment may be
This subsection shall identify maintenance activities
required to be wall mounted, instead of
required to comply with the manufacturer's
floor mounted, or to be oriented in a
recommendations or otherwise required to ensure
particular direction, or to maintain a
continued reliability. An example is a requirement
minimum bend radius for
to periodically replace specified components such as
interconnecting equipment, or locating
seals or replace lubricants that degrade over time or
certain types of components in a fluid
to replace certain parts that wear out-of-tolerances
system (liquid or air) a minimum
after a number of cycles or operations, in order to
distance from a bend or other flow-
prevent a failure.
perturbing component.
3.5.3 Reliability, Availability, and Preferred
3.5 Other Requirements
Failure Modes
3.5.1 Security and SNM Protection
This subsection shall identify requirements (and
their bases) for design provisions that will ensure the
This subsection shall identify those requirements
system will perform its function(s) by improving
(and their bases) that might exist related to general
system availability, improving reliability by
security of the facility or to the need to protect
minimizing ways in which it can fail, or minimizing
special nuclear materials (SNM).
the impact of failures. Such provisions might
requirements may impact the design of certain
include equipment redundancy, diversity, physical
systems. For example, the design of a vault to store
separation, electrical isolation, features that provide
special materials may be required to include features
mechanisms for on-line testing, features that avoid
such as combination locks, weight, size, and seismic
frequent use of temporary configurations (such as
capability in order to protect the contents of the
lifted leads or jumpers) for testing and maintenance,
vault from certain postulated situations.
automatic fault detection capability, and preferred
failure modes ("fail-safe" states).
When security or SNM protection requirements
apply to a system, their existence shall be identified
3.5.4 Quality Assurance
in the SDD and appropriate references provided for
the documents that explain those requirements,
This section of the SDD shall identify the general
subject to the restrictions of classified documents.
category of Quality Assurance (QA) to be applied to
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