| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
Functional requirements shall address the system or
to the system. This section shall identify those
facility situations to which the system is designed to
codes and standards that have been required either
respond, the expected ambient operating conditions
by regulatory organizations or by the DOE
related to those situations under which it must
perform its assigned function(s), and the sequence in
Note: Where codes, standards, or
which certain actions are to be accomplished.
portions thereof have been applied at
These requirement statements should include
the option of the DOE contractor and
sufficient detail to establish the acceptance criteria
compliance is expected by the
or limits against which the actual performance
contractor, they become requirements
capability of the as-built system can be evaluated.
on the system and hence they need to
(In some situations, such acceptance criteria may be
be included in this section. In contrast,
called "Performance Criteria.")
if codes and standards (or similar
documents such as Handbooks or
Guides) are intended to be used only as
3.1.2 Subsystems and Major Components
general guidance and compliance is not
required, they are not requirements on
General requirements and their bases that are unique
the system and hence should be
to subsystems and major components shall be
addressed in other sections of the
identified in this section.
3.1.3 Boundaries and Interfaces
To the extent practical, the bases associated with
codes and standards shall identify the authority that
This section shall identify any requirements (and
determined that it was appropriate to apply each of
their bases) that might exist concerning the
the codes and standards, so that future proposed
boundaries of the system being described, with
changes or exceptions in the application of those
emphasis on the components at the boundaries (for
codes and standards can be referred to the
example, isolation valves). For example, the
appropriate authority.
boundary with an associated instrument air system
may be required to be at the upstream side of a
The specific codes and standards shall be identified,
particular check valve. Referring to the simplified
rather than simply the general name of the standards
system diagram in Chapter 2 of the SDD may be
organization. Consideration should also be given to
useful for this purpose.
the desirability of identifying the edition (or year of
publication) for each identified code or standard.
The SDD shall identify any requirements (and their
bases) that might exist regarding interfacing
Note: In the future, the subsequent
systems, especially "support systems" (see
editions of some codes or standards
Glossary, page xi). For example, it might be
might contain requirements that this
required that the system be operated on the smooth
particular system does not meet and
and reliable electric power available only from an
should not have to meet. If the
uninterruptible power system. The SDD shall also
editions of the standards are not
identify those interface requirements (and their
specified, it implies an intent to
bases) that might exist regarding the need for the
maintain compliance with all
system being described to provide support to
subsequent editions.
another system, especially if that support is
necessary to the other system.
A system may need to meet a particular section of,
but not the entire, code or standard. Identify only
3.1.4 Codes, Standards, and Regulations
those sections that will be or have been complied
with and for which such compliance will be
This subsection shall identify those codes,
standards, or portions thereof that have been applied
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