| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
Examples of requirements are the length of time the
computer hardware and software. The topics
system must be capable of performing its function(s)
addressed in section 3.3.6 should be those unique to
following the loss of normal utility power, and fail-
computer hardware and software. Examples of such
safe states that equipment must assume upon loss of
types of requirements include: sample rates, real-
Another example is power quality
time performance, data communications, and
requirements. For example, a component that is
provisions for backing up programs and data.
critical to the proper functioning of a safety system
may be sensitive to voltage or frequency
If there are requirements on the design and
perturbations and thus have a power quality
development process for computer hardware and
requirement that the component receive regulated
software aspects of the system being described (for
power from an uninterruptible power supply with
example, verification and validation, or qualitative
specific output parameters, such as between 118.5
reliability goals), they should be described in this
and 121.5 Vac and between 59 and 61 Hz at the
section of the SDD. Key design documentation
input terminal of the device.
(such as the Software Requirements Specification)
should be referenced.
3.3.5 Instrumentation and Control
Note: The performance of digital
systems over the entire range of input
This subsection shall identify those instrumentation
conditions cannot be inferred from
and control engineering requirements (and their
testing a limited sample of input
bases) related to the system being described. This
conditions. Therefore, the design
subsection is focused primarily on hardware
qualification for digital systems is
controls; computer hardware and software controls
often based on requirements for
are addressed separately in a later section.
employing a high-quality development
process that incorporates disciplined
This section of the SDD shall include requirements
specification and implementation of
for manual and automatic actions for system
initiation and control, indicators, alarms, and
manual controls that are used to operate the system.
If diverse or defense-in-depth features are provided
This section shall identify required ranges and
as backup to protect against hardware or software
features, these features should be identified in this
section of the SDD.
This section shall distinctively identify
instrumentation that either is (or will be) directly
Note: Software and hardware are
subject to TSR requirements or provides
often shared to provide multiple
information to verify compliance with TSRs. This
functions to a greater degree than is
section of the SDD shall identify the required
typical for analog systems. Although
nominal values of the setpoints associated with the
this sharing is the basis for many of
system and ranges of acceptable setpoint values.
the advantages of digital systems, it
The basis information shall explain any limitations,
also presents the potential for common
either administrative, design, and limits important to
mode failures (or common cause
safety, that may exist on the system or its
failures) that might defeat the
redundancy provided within the
hardware and software. Sometimes
3.3.6 Computer Hardware and Software
diverse or defense-in-depth features
that are not susceptible to the effects of
This subsection shall identify those computer
such failures are provided to ensure
hardware and software engineering requirements
that their consequences are tolerable.
(and their bases) related to the system being
For example, the automatic computer
described. Many of the instrumentation and control
monitoring and alarming for certain
topics discussed in section 3.3.5 are also relevant to
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