| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
facility variables may be backed
3.4.1 Testability
up by separate hardware
indicators or manual
This section shall identify those design requirements
(and their bases) that might exist for features that
make the system testable, especially those design
If there are requirements related to reliability of
features that preclude the need to install temporary
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware or
configurations manually on a frequent basis (for
software, they should be described.
example, every 12 months or more often). For
requirements may, for example, include vendor
example, a requirement might exist to provide a test
documentation demonstrating high reliability based
panel, with spring-loaded switches and bypass
on a formal program for recording and tracking
indicating lights, that eliminates the use of manually
installed temporary configurations.
example might be a requirement to bring certain
Note: Computer based systems often
electrical connections to external test points to avoid
employ COTS, for example, source
internal electrical hazards and to avoid potential
code embedded in a programmable
errors in manually installing temporary
logic controller (PLC).
configurations. Operational (non-design) limitations
example would be local application
on the use of temporary configurations is addressed
programming of commercial software
in Section 4.3.1.
such as database management system
3.4.2 TSR-Required Surveillances
Administrative programs that support computer and
When the system being described is the subject of
software activities (such as software configuration
TSR/OSR Surveillance Requirements, this
management and quality assurance) should be
subsection shall identify the type(s) of surveillance
described in the appropriate section of the SDD,
required (that is, checks, inspections, functional
which might be in Section 4.
tests, or calibrations); identify how often the
surveillance is required to be performed (including
any grace period that may be allowed); state the
3.3.7 Fire Protection
acceptance criteria for each surveillance; and
This subsection shall identify requirements (and
describe those features provided in the design to
their bases) that might exist for fire protection
facilitate those surveillance actions.
features within the system, including detection,
suppression, and other mitigation features. An
3.4.3 Non-TSR Inspections and Testing
example of the information provided in this section
would be requirements on ventilation system fire
If the system being described is the subject of
dampers to close at or before a critical temperature
required inspection, testing, or surveillance
is reached, and for the dampers to be rated for
requirements (including setpoint verifications or
preventing the spread of fire for a specific time.
adjustments) that are beyond those specified in the
This subsection should also identify special types of
TSRs/OSRs, this subsection shall identify them,
fire suppression materials, such as the need to use
state how often they are required to be performed,
halon in a particular area rather than a water
state the acceptance criteria for these activities, and
sprinkler system.
describe any design features necessary to perform
those surveillance actions. These items shall be
clearly distinguished from TSR-required items.
3.4 Testing and Maintenance
Note: Where surveillances,
inspections, or testing beyond the
This section shall address those aspects of testing
TSRs have been applied at the option
and maintenance of the system being described that
of the DOE contractor and compliance
are related to the design of the system.
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