| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
This section should identify those requirements that
or support requirements for equipment (for example,
may exist for the design to distinguish indications
to prevent damage to equipment or injury to
and alarms that promote the prompt and effective
performance of necessary operator safety actions
from other indications and alarms. Similarly, this
3.3.2 Mechanical and Materials
section should identify requirements that may have
arisen related to factors such as shapes, colors, or
This subsection shall identify those mechanical or
locations of particular indicators, controls, or
materials engineering requirements (and their bases)
displays because such features had been identified
related to the system being described. Such
as important to success by a human interface task
requirements may relate to pumps (for example,
analysis or similar types of evaluations.
type, net positive suction head, flow capacity,
discharge pressure), valves (for example, type, size,
stroke time, location), HVAC system components
3.2.7 Specific Commitments
and flow rates or differential pressures, equipment
This subsection shall identify commitments that
heat generation limits or cooling system parameters,
have been made to the DOE or another regulatory
and parameters relating to compressors, filters, fans,
agency such as the EPA, and in some cases, court
boilers, and other equipment.
orders. For example, in the investigation of an
operational event at a facility, it might have been
3.3.3 Chemical and Process
determined that a major contributor to the incident
was the absence of positive position indication for
This subsection shall identify those chemical or
some critical dampers or valves. As part of the
process requirements (and their bases) related to the
corrective actions to prevent recurrences of that or
system being described. Such requirements might
similar events, the contractor may have made a
include process or engineering limits on physical
commitment to DOE that all dampers and valves
parameters such as temperature, pressure,
will have positive position indicators provided. In
concentrations, feed rate, ph, heat transfer rates,
that case, this commitment would be identified as a
chemical compositions (for example, amount or
requirement for the system, and a reference made to
concentration of impurities allowable). Other
the appropriate document(s) that provide the
requirements might relate to the type of process (that
commitment. Such commitments may be contained
is, continuous or batch, reactive or non-reactive),
in occurrence reports, correspondence, or other
waste generation considerations, or necessary
process evolutions (for example, hold times,
agitation rates).
3.3.4 Electrical Power
3.3 Engineering Disciplinary
This subsection shall identify those electrical power
engineering requirements (and their bases) related to
This section should identify those requirements and
the system being described. In most cases, these
bases that are typically related to particular
will involve the need for electrical power at a
disciplines of engineering.
particular voltage level, current, frequency, or
quality. In some cases, however, these requirements
3.3.1 Civil and Structural
might involve providing electrical power for other
systems. Examples of these later cases would be
This subsection shall identify those civil and
systems that include diesel generators, motor-
structural engineering requirements (and their bases)
generator sets, uninterruptible power supplies, or
related to the system being described. This section
battery banks. Such systems would typically
should include only the civil or structural
include the associated electrical distribution system
requirements for a typical facility such as may be
plus automatic and manual transfer features and the
found in the Uniform Building Code. Examples of
associated alternate power paths or circuits.
requirements to be included are anchorage, bracing,
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