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4.2.2 System Startup
4.2.4 Off-Normal Operations
This section shall summarize the key steps in the
This subsection shall identify off-normal conditions
startup procedure and refer to the corresponding
for which the system is intended to operate. Off-
normal events range from simple, ordinary events
such as the failure of a particular component, to
Particular attention should be drawn to the startup
anticipated system upsets (such as loss of cooling or
sequence, any timing that is involved, and how it is
lubrication, excessive leakage, or high radiation
determined that the system is ready for the next step.
levels), to unlikely events such as a fire, explosion,
Finally, this section should describe how to
or earthquake. For each off-normal event, this
determine if the system was started up successfully
section should identify how the upset would be
or unsuccessfully.
detected, describe the impact of the event on
functional capability of the system (and to the extent
appropriate, the impact on the facility).
4.2.3 Normal Operations
This section shall identify all the normal operating
This section should briefly summarize the recovery
modes of the system, describe when each mode is
actions for each type of off-normal condition. Some
appropriate, and generally how mode changes are
facilities use what are called "Alarm Response
accomplished. A reference shall be provided to the
Procedures" that define pre-planned, reviewed, and
procedures that cover system operations, including
approved actions that operators are to take when
operational mode changes, to the extent that such
particular alarms are activated. Typically, such
procedures exist.  A footnote that refers to a
procedures will identify each important alarm that
particular referenced item in the appropriate
requires action, describe what conditions will cause
appendix to the SDD may be convenient. This
that alarm to activate, define those few immediate
section should then focus on and describe the most
operator actions, and then define those less urgent
frequently used mode of operations, including
follow-up actions that are appropriate to that alarm.
routine checks on system performance and
This section should provide a reference to the
performance data logging that are performed by the
appropriate documents for recovery actions.
operations staff to verify that the system is operating
normally, including the key parameters and their
4.2.5 System Shutdown
nominal values.
Those surveillance actions
preformed by maintenance staff should be identified
If it is necessary to shut down the system in a
in Section 4.3.
particular sequence or with special timing, those
system shutdown actions shall be summarized and a
This section should also identify the types of
reference to the corresponding procedure provided.
automatic records or logs that are maintained by or
for the system in the central control area, including
4.2.6 Safety Management Programs and
any equipment status changes that are "alarmed"
Administrative Controls
during normal operations.
This subsection shall identify the aspects of safety
This section should also briefly address Conduct of
management programs that apply to the system
Operations as it applies to this particular system.
being described. This discussion should focus on
For example, at shift turnover, certain types of
the unique aspects of the application of those
information about how this system is functioning
programs  (such  as  radiation  control  and
might be appropriate or required. Then a reference
configuration management) and simply reference the
should be provided to the specific procedure that
general programs that apply to many systems at the
provides the details for these aspects of the
operation of the system.
This section should identify administrative controls
placed on the System and/or its operation, and
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