| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
alarms) and the purpose of the setpoints. The
Interlocks, Bypasses, and Permissives
values of setpoints and other system limitations shall
be correlated with the system requirements,
This section shall identify interlocks, automatic and
especially TSR-required setpoints.
manual operating bypasses, permissives, and other
design constraints or conditions associated with the
Note: It is common practice to include
system being described. For example, the function
setpoints and limitations information in
of a particular safety system may become available
a set of tables in a stand-alone
automatically after system pressure exceeds a
document that contains such
specified value, but be deactivated below this
information for numerous systems.
pressure to prevent inadvertent actuation when the
When a setpoint entry is made into the
system is operating within a pressure range for
table, the entry needs to identify the
which the safety function is not needed. Interlocks
adjustment by name, where the
provided to prevent or permit certain system actions
adjustment is located physically, where
or responses only when specific conditions are met
and how the adjusted value is
shall be listed. Provisions for manually disabling,
determined, the nominal value of the
bypassing or otherwise altering system performance,
adjustment, the range of acceptable
and the conditions and limitations under which they
values for the setpoint, and the bases
are to be used shall be identified and explained.
for the values. The acceptable ranges
need to be specified in actual values,
not as tolerances, percentages, or other
4.2 Operations
approaches that necessitate
In this section, where operations personnel have
voluntarily adopted good practices related to the
It may be advantageous not to repeat setpoint data
operation of the system, those practices should be
in the SDD in order to avoid the need to revise the
identified. For example, operations personnel may
SDD each time a setpoint specification is changed.
have assigned equipment nomenclatures and
When complete setpoint data is not provided as part
equipment labeling in accordance with a particular
of the SDD, a reference shall be provided to the
good practices guide.
separate document that contains the governing
setpoint information.
4.2.1 Initial Configuration (Pre-startup)
Internal controls and adjustments that are beyond
Some systems must be verified (for example, by
the domain of operators but within the domain of
system walkdown or status checks) to be in the
maintenance personnel should be identified. It is not
proper configuration for system operation prior to
necessary to identify all adjustments in the SDD;
those systems being started. When this is the case,
however, some setpoints will affect the limits of
the SDD should describe the pre-startup
performance of the equipment and should be made
configuration in general terms and provide a
known to the operators. For example, a backup
reference to the applicable procedure(s).
diesel generator may have an automatic trip on
overspeed or overcurrent. The preferred approach
Note: Previously, the use of footnotes
to these setpoints is to identify in the SDD those
and bibliographical information in an
setpoints that have a direct bearing on the limits of
Appendix has been discussed with
system performance and to present the nominal
regard to referring to system
values of those setpoints. The SDD should also
requirements and source documents.
provide a footnote reference to the maintenance
In a similar manner, footnotes should
procedures or other information that identifies all the
be used to refer to procedures for
internal setpoints and adjustments and provides the
system operations.
range of acceptable values.
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