| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
radiation exposures to personnel to ALARA. In
prominent aspects (such as guards surrounding
general, ALARA goals are achieved (or
rotating machinery) or those that were part of the
implemented) on a cost-beneficial basis, as
basis for selecting the particular equipment from a
contrasted with numerical radiation exposure limits
vendor should be identified. This subsection
that must be met regardless of cost.
provides the information that would help preclude
potential future modifications that might
This section should also address those requirements
compromise features important to protecting
(and bases) that might exist to protect sensitive
components from radiation exposure or to minimize
radiological contamination. Monitoring equipment
3.2.5 Operating Environment and Natural
and alarms should also be addressed.
This section should include only information that is
This subsection shall identify requirements (and
specifically related to the system being described;
their bases) related to the normal environment that
general information about the facility radiation
the system must be capable of operating under, for
control program or ALARA program should not be
example, ambient temperature, humidity, altitude,
repeated here.
interference (EMI/RFI) and vibration.
3.2.3 Nuclear Criticality Safety
This section shall also address abnormal and
This subsection shall identify those requirements
accident environments, consistent with the hazards
(and bases) that might exist related to design
analysis and accident analysis. This section should
features to prevent an inadvertent nuclear criticality.
be limited to environmental conditions that go
An example would be critical dimensions on the size
beyond typical design requirements such as those
and shape of pipes, tanks, or other containers. This
found in the Uniform Building Code. This section
subsection should also reflect things that
should address extraordinary design requirements
intentionally are not present, such as sources of
for protection from natural phenomena such as
water that have been routed so as not to be overhead
tornadoes, floods, or seismic events. For example,
or in the immediate vicinity.
if the system must operate during or following an
earthquake, the associated acceleration spectra
Non-design, operational (or administrative) aspects
should be identified.
of the nuclear criticality safety program that apply
to this system, such as the use of materials/contents
3.2.6 Human Interface Requirements
placards, should be addressed under Safety
Management Programs in Section 4.
This subsection shall identify the requirements (and
bases) that may exist related to the design of the
system to enhance the interface between the system
3.2.4 Industrial Hazards
and the human operator.
This subsection shall identify requirements for
safety features for hazards that are typically
This section shall identify any design requirements
accepted at commercial industrial workplaces. This
for alarms intended to trigger manual safety actions.
subsection shall identify Environmental, Safety, and
The basis for such a requirement should include a
Health (ES&H) requirements pertaining to the
summary of the conditions that are intended to
system being described related to personnel safety
generate the alarm (the meaning or significance of
and OSHA considerations.
the condition) and a brief summary of the actions
that need to be taken manually in response to the
This subsection is not intended to generate a
research project to identify all the features of a piece
of equipment that may be related to the safety of
Requirements for alarms that are related to non-
personnel operating the equipment. However,
safety actions should be similarly described.
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