| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
The purpose of this section is to state the specific
If the whole standard is
identified without any qualifications, it
Operability conditions that result from applying the
general definition of Operability to the system being
implies an intent to comply with the
described. In some cases, a certain portion or
entire standard.
feature of a system may be disabled or unavailable,
This subsection shall similarly identify government
but the system is still capable of successfully
regulations that are applicable to the system being
completing its required safety function(s) despite the
described. These include: the Code of Federal
failed portion or feature. Statements of Operability
Regulations (CFRs), DOE nuclear safety
should not be restrictive to the point of requiring the
management rules and orders, regulations from
system to be declared inoperable in such a case.
other Federal agencies such as the EPA, court
If the system has additional Operability
orders (if applicable), state laws and regulations,
requirements that may have been established by
and state permit requirements.
facility management that go beyond those
requirements included in the OSRs/TSRs, these
3.1.5 Operability
shall also be included in this section, but in a
When the system being described is the subject of
manner distinctive from the TSR Operability
TSRs (or OSRs) that require the system to be
Operable, this subsection shall state the specific
definition of system Operability (i.e., what aspects
3.2 Specific Requirements
of this system are required to be capable of
performing as intended in order for this system to be
3.2.1 Radiation and Other Hazards
formally considered Operable). To the extent that
the facility authorization basis, including the
This section shall address those safety requirements
OSRs/TSRs, defines Operability specifically for the
(and their bases) that have been established for the
system, that definition shall be the one stated in the
design of the system in consideration of radiation or
SDD. This subsection shall also identify the facility
other hazards (such as lasers and hazardous
operating modes or conditions for which the system
chemicals) that are beyond those typically accepted
is required to be Operable.
in an industrial workplace covered by OSHA.
These requirements pertain to the necessary level of
Note: System compliance with its
protection for facility workers, other employees
"Operability" requirements will ensure
located at the site, and the public. This is the
accomplishment of those safety
jurisdiction of the facility authorization basis. All
functions specified by the applicable
system functional requirements assumed in facility
authorization basis documents such as
authorization basis documents shall be identified if
the FSAR or TSRs. The general
they have not already been presented in the SDD.
definition of Operability is that a
system, subsystem, component, or
This section includes those radiological safety
device shall be considered
requirements that must be met to comply with
specific numerical exposure limits regardless of
when it is capable of performing its
cost. Those additional safety features that may be
specified function(s), and when all
provided on a cost-beneficial basis are generally
necessary attendant instrumentation
referred to as As Low As Reasonably Achievable
and controls, electrical power, cooling
(ALARA), which is addressed in the next section.
water, or other auxiliary equipment
that are required for the system,
3.2.2 ALARA
subsystem, train, component, or device
to perform its function(s) are also
This subsection shall identify those requirements
capable of performing their related
that might exist to include in the design safety
support function(s).
features (such as special shielding) to reduce the
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