| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
installed remotely on a nearby control panel, or
System design characteristics such as preferred
installed remotely in a central location.
failure modes or "fail-safe" positions or states shall
be discussed. This section should discuss other
Instrumentation either directly subject to TSRs or
known failure modes of the system and their affects
that provide information to verify compliance with
on the system and the facility. (The associated
TSRs shall be identified as such.
compensatory measures and recovery action are
addressed in Section 4.2.4.) References should be
Control Capability and Locations
provided to applicable engineering studies or failure
modes and effects analyses (FMEAs), if such
System, equipment, and component manual
reports are known to exist. Features in the system
operational controls shall be described. The
design that make the system testable shall be
locations of these controls and the actions caused by
actuating these controls shall be identified clearly.
Where the system includes redundant subsystems or
Automatic and Manual Actions
components, the SDD description shall identify
The SDD shall describe the conditions under which
these redundant features. The SDD shall describe
important features are to be activated and whether
the capacity and degree of redundancy provided.
For example, a particular design might require the
these features are activated automatically or
operation of two exhaust fans at all times, but four
manually. Where automatic or manual controls are
specifically associated with specific instrumentation,
fans are provided in the design. If two fans are
the instrumentation and control actions should be
necessary, each might be a 50% capacity fan, with
correlated in the SDD. For example, the control
two additional 50% fans in standby ready for
action might be taken only upon reaching a
operation. Also, discuss independence of the
particular value as detected by a specific
redundant features. Any technical limitations on the
instrumentation channel or displayed by a specific
use of the redundant features shall also be described.
For example, while four fans are available for
indicating device, or an indicator might provide
operation, a maximum of only three fans is allowed
feedback of system response that must be closely
to be operated at one time to avoid excessive flow
Where alarms are provided that are intended to
trigger manual safety actions, the SDD shall provide
4.1.6 System Control Features
an overview of the operator actions that are to be
taken and refer to the corresponding operating
This section shall describe the indication, alarm, and
procedures that govern the operator responses to the
control features of the system that are used to
alarms. Alarms for non-safety actions (such as
operate the system and monitor its performance.
those that identify the need for operational
Control logic diagrams should be provided.
adjustments or fine tuning) should be described
similarly. Here again, footnotes should be used to
System Monitoring
point to the particular procedure in the appropriate
appendix to the SDD. This discussion should be
The instrumentation, indicators, alarms, and other
coordinated with the discussion in Section 4.2
information provided to operations personnel,
"Operations" related to off-normal operations in a
remote and local, to allow assessment of system
manner that avoids unnecessary overlap and
status and performance shall be described, including
types, ranges, and accuracies. This may include
indicators, recorders, status lights, CRT displayed
Setpoints and Ranges
information, computer printouts, and information
automatically stored on disks or tapes. The
This section of the SDD shall identify setpoints
locations of these items should be identified clearly,
associated with the system (including pre-trip
such as being mounted directly on the equipment,
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