| ![]() DOE-STD-3025-99
Verification that the filter make and model is approved by DOE.
Maximum penetration allowed is 0.03% (0.0003) at an aerosol particle diameter of 0.3
micrometers. If a higher penetration is measured, the filter shall be rejected and the customer
notified that the filter does not meet the penetration requirement. When tested with a DOE-
approved laser spectrometer test method, the maximum penetration and the aerosol particle size
of maximum penetration shall be reported in addition to the penetration at 0.3 micrometers
diameter. However, penetration at 0.3 micrometers diameter shall be the only criterion used to
judge whether a filter is rejected for excess penetration.
Maximum airflow resistance (see Section 5.2.2, Table 1 of DOE-STD-3020-97) is 1.0 inches of
water gage (in. H2O) (250 Pa) across the filter pack for size 4 (nominal 500 cfm) through size 6
(nominal 1250 cfm) filters, and 1.3 in.H2O (325 Pa) for filters size 1 (nominal 25 cfm) through
size 3 (nominal 125 cfm) and filters size 7 (nominal 1500 cfm) and size 8 (nominal 2000 cfm).
from penetration or resistance requirements, nor shall defects in the filter media be repaired at
the FTF. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and the manufacturer to determine proper
disposition of non-conforming filters.
All FTF operations shall be conducted in accordance with written procedures that address the
subjects and inform to this standard. All procedures shall contain specific acceptance criteria.
Each FTF shall prepare, maintain, and operate in accordance with detailed procedures which
cover, as a minimum, the following functions:
Receiving inspection.
Un-boxing, handling, re-boxing, and storage of filters.
Inspection for defects, damage, and compliance with purchase order
Verification of compliance with qualifications test requirements, e.g., over-
pressure resistance, fire and heated air test, and resistance to rough handling
(QPL listing).
Documentation and records keeping.
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