| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
assessors should look for the following information:
Over a selected period, (one month is good but could vary depending on the size of the
program) determine how many assignments have been completed by the due date
Entries are in chronological order and have due dates assigned
All operation personnel are included
Completed readings are documented
Completed readings are removed
Note that there is no requirement that entries be in chronological order, however, administrative
problems can lead to interview questions addressing how the program is run. Assessors should
review selected readings to determine if they appear to be appropriate and are screened to the
correct operations personnel. This analysis may also lead to some interview questions. For this
area of conduct of operations, deviations from expectations can be normally derived from
document reviews and followed up with interviews.
6.15 Assessing Timely Orders to Operators.
6.15.1 Discussion. Timely Orders to Operators provide a means for management to
communicate short term information, administrative instructions, and direction to operations
personnel. Timely orders can take many forms including contractor memos, temporary
administrative procedures, or even notes written on loose leaf paper. The primary consideration
for this program is that management has knowledge and approval of what is issued as a timely
order. Timely orders are not intended to modify or replace operating procedures.
6.15.2 Preparing to Assess Timely Orders to Operators. To develop an assessment plan for
Timely Orders to Operators, assessors should first review the activity-specific graded-approach
document for conduct of operations and determine which guidelines are applicable at the
activity. This will allow them to determine the scope of the assessment and which applicable
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