| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
under the program?
How do you prepare a lockout or tagout?
Describe the review and approval process.
What information is contained in the lockout and tagout log?
How is lock and tag placement accomplished?
How do you review lockouts and tagouts? How do you record the discrepancies that you
find? Describe the process used to resolve these discrepancies. How is this documented?
When are locks, "Danger," and "Caution" tags used? Why are they different?
What training have you had concerning how to do lockouts and tagouts? How was the
training conducted? Have you received any retraining?
Describe the lockout and tagout notification process.
The following questions could be used to assess the level of knowledge of personnel who work at
the activity but do not review, approve, place, or remove locks and tags:
What is the purpose of the Lockout and Tagout Program? What are your responsibilities
under the program?
When are locks, "Danger," and "Caution" tags used? Why are they different? What are your
responsibilities with regard to locks and tags?
What training have you had concerning lockouts and tagouts? How was the training
conducted? Have you received any retraining?
Finally, if apparent deficiencies exist in the level of knowledge of activity operations personnel,
training department personnel should be interviewed. The following questions could be asked to
help evaluate lockout and tagout training:
How is lockout and tagout training accomplished? Is retraining accomplished? What is the
periodicity for conducting training?
Describe the process used to determine the level of training required for operations personnel.
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