| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Use of the activity public address system.
Use of portable radios by various shift positions
Use of abbreviations, acronyms, and "repeat backs" during communications
Use of standardized terminology and phonetic alphabet
Communications during the occurrence notification process
Communications between drill team controllers
Observing the activities above should be supplemented with observations of routine shift
communications conducted during walkthroughs and tours of the activity and control area.
Operators, maintenance personnel, and shift supervisors from each shift should be observed to get
a broad picture of communication accuracy, reliability, and effectiveness. If possible, the
observations of a particular shift position should start at shift turnover since vital information
about the operations, maintenance, and special operations in progress at the activity, is passed at
this time.
To observe communications while touring the activity with an operator, the following
methodology could be used:
Observe the shift turnover conducted between the on-coming and off-going operators. Pay
attention to the information passed verbally between the operators concerning operations
planned or in progress, status of activity systems and equipment, and any abnormal conditions
that exist at the activity. Review any documentation used to communicate written information
in the turnover process.
Attend the shift crew briefing. Observe the information exchanged.
Accompany the operator as he performs his duties. Observe the use of portable radios, the
public address system, telephones and face-to-face communications between the operator and
other shift positions. If the activity has a control area, observe communications between the
control area operator and other shift positions.
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