| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
This Standard identifies safety requirements for magnetic fusion facilities. Safety functions
are used to define outcomes that must be achieved to ensure that exposures to radiation, haz-
ardous materials, or other hazards are maintained within acceptable limits. Requirements appli-
cable to magnetic fusion facilities have been derived from Federal law, policy, and other docu -
ments. In addition to specific safety requirements, broad direction is given in the form of safety
principles that are to be implemented and within which safety can be achieved.
Fusion facilities shall be designed, constructed, operated, and removed from service in a
way that will ensure the protection of workers, the public, and the environment. Accordingly, the
following points of safety policy shall be implemented at fusion facilities:
a. The public shall be protected such that no individual bears significant additional risk
to health and safety from the operation of those facilities above the risks to which
members of the general population are normally exposed.
b. Fusion facility workers shall be protected such that the risks to which they are
exposed at a fusion facility are no greater than those to which they would be
exposed at a comparable industrial facility.
c. Risks both to the public and to workers shall be maintained as low as reasonably
achievable (ALARA).
d. The need for an off-site evacuation plan shall be avoided.
e. Wastes, especially high-level radioactive wastes, shall be minimized.
To achieve safety in fusion facilities, it is important for safety to become an integral part of
the design and operation of the facility. From the safety policy, two types of safety functions
have been identified: public safety functions and worker safety functions. Fusion facilities shall
be designed to ensure that public and worker safety functions are always achieved for condi-
tions within the design basis. The public safety function for fusion facilities is the confinement of
radioactive (e.g., tritium and activation products) and hazardous (e.g., beryllium or vanadium)
materials. The worker safety function is the control of operating hazards including radioactivity
and hazardous material.
Potential safety concerns that must be considered during the design process to minimize
challenges to the public safety function of confinement of radioactive and/or hazardous materi-
als include, but should not be limited to the following:
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