| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
a. ensuring afterheat removal when required;
b. providing rapid controlled reduction in plasma energy when required;
c. controlling coolant energy (e.g., pressurized water, cryogens);
d. controlling chemical energy sources;
e. controlling magnetic energy (e.g., toroidal and poloidal field stored energy);
limiting airborne and liquid releases to the environment;
The specific design of any particular fusion facility must be considered in determining the
importance of potential safety concerns in protecting the public and the environment. A risk-
based prioritization scheme (graded approach) shall be used to determine the impact of these
potential safety concerns for each specific fusion facility.
Application of these safety requirements will normally be an iterative process. Require-
ments shall be implemented in each phase of the facility life cycle, incorporating feed back from
the results of the facility safety analysis and experience/lessons learned during the previous
operating phases of the facility.
3.1 Public Safety Function--Confine Radioactive and Hazardous Material
Radioactive and hazardous material confinement barriers of sufficient number, strength,
leak tightness, and reliability shall be incorporated in the design of fusion facilities to prevent
releases of radioactive and/or hazardous materials from exceeding evaluation guidelines during
normal operation or during off-normal conditions.
As shown in Table 1, two sets of radiological criteria shall be used for evaluating radioac-
tive releases: regulatory limits (evaluation guidelines) that shall not be exceeded and fusion
requirements. Regulatory limits (evaluation guidelines) are applicable to the maximum exposed
individual off-site using conservative assumptions. Best-estimate techniques are used to evalu-
ate against fusion requirements. In showing compliance with these guidelines, the ALARA
principle shall be applied. Compliance with both sets of criteria shall be demonstrated for all
TABLE 1. Requirements for protection of the public from exposure to radiation a
Fusion radiological release
Regulatory limit
(evaluation guideline)
Normal and anticipated
0.1 mSv/yr (10 mrem/yr)
1 mSv/yr (100 mrem/yr)
operational occurrences
Off-normal conditions (per
10 mSv (1 rem) (No
250 mSv (25 rem)
public evacuation)
for the exposure limits is provided in DOE-STD-6003-96, Chapter 2.
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