| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96 Configuration Management Process Application
Configuration management should be consistent with the quality, size, scope, and com-
plexity of the project involved (graded approach). The configuration management process
should be tailored to the specific project and to particular products. The selection of equipment
and other items for formal configuration management is determined by the need to control its
inherent characteristics or to control its interface with other systems. Configuration control
applies to hardware, software, and documentation associated with the facility.
A permanent copy of the controlled identification documents should be maintained
throughout the life cycle, beginning with the initial baseline documentation and including pro-
posed and approved changes from those baselines.
Configuration control must be exercised on a basis appropriate to the level of importance
and to the stage in the life cycle. Affected project activities, such as engineering, logistic sup-
port, QA, safety, maintenance, and procurement need to be involved in evaluating proposed
changes in the configuration of an item throughout its life cycle. This would normally be
accomplished through a Configuration Control Board. Change Control
Changes affecting the configuration of an item are to be limited to those that are neces-
sary or offer significant benefits. Changes are required to correct deficiencies; incorporate
approved changes in experimental, operational or logistic support characteristics; or effect sub-
stantial life cycle cost savings.
Each change must be evaluated for Unreviewed Safety Questions (USQ). The process of
reviewing for USQs is described in Chapter 5.
Data required for effective evaluation of changes must be made available to those indi-
viduals responsible for change decisions. Every proposed configuration change should be eval-
uated on the basis of change criteria, including not making the proposed change. The evalua-
tion should take into consideration each aspect of the change on the products or systems with
which it interfaces. Such aspects may include safety, design, performance, cost, schedule,
operational effectiveness, logistics support, transportability, and training.
As changes are authorized, appropriate updates to safety envelopes, authorization basis
and operating procedures must occur. This approach assures that operations personnel know
the plant configuration and its operating limits. Record Keeping and Reporting
Configuration records and reports include identification of the following:
a. technical documentation (drawings, calculations, specifications, etc.) comprising the
approved configuration identification;
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