| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
requirements will conflict with other design requirements for the facility. The project manage-
ment system should have a process that will allow potential cost/safety/performance trade-offs
to be made in a structured rational manner.
4.2 Operations Management
Operations management should ensure that the operations organization is knowledgeable
of the safety envelope and authorization basis and the need to maintain the facility configuration
and operation within these constraints. Proposed changes to facility configuration and operation
should be reviewed against the safety envelope and authorization basis and approved prior to
implementation. The operations manager may call upon safety professionals for analytical
support, but the responsibility and authority for safe operations remains with the line man-
agement of the facility. The operations manager should establish a policy under which clear
lines of responsibility for normal operations and off-normal conditions are established. Chapter 5
of this volume provides the details of the authorization basis and technical safety requirements.
4.3 Site Restoration Management
Site restoration involves the dismantling of the fusion facility and the packaging of
radioactive hazardous materials prior to shipment to a repository or recycling center. Manage-
ment of the fusion facility during the site restoration phase requires maintaining configuration
control while the condition of the facility is rapidly evolving. The safety analyses may have to be
updated as safety and confinement systems are removed from service. Documentation of the
condition of components and their hazardous inventories as they are packaged is necessary.
Removal of hazardous materials from the site may allow some relaxation of controls as the on-
site inventory is reduced.
4.4 Tools for Program Management Safety
The following sections describe tools that can be used during the design, operations, and
site restoration of a fusion facility. These tools include configuration management, quality assur-
ance (QA), verification and validation, conduct of operations, emergency preparedness, mainte-
nance, training and qualification, tritium control, accountability and physical protection. These
tools, if used effectively, will help assure the safety of the fusion facility.
4.4.1 Configuration Management
Configuration management is a tool that is designed to determine and control baselines
and ensure that each system/component properly interfaces physically and functionally. The
role of safety in configuration management is to ensure that the original product and each
approved change to the product do not jeopardize the safety of the product. Configuration man-
agement actions are called for in Department of Energy (DOE) Order 4700.1, Project Manage-
ment Plan.
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