| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
b. proposed changes to configuration, the status of such changes, and the individual
responsible for change decisions;
c. approved changes to configuration, including the specific number or kind of items to
which the changes apply, and the activity responsible for implementation.
Only the minimum information necessary to manage configuration effectively and eco-
nomically will be recorded and reported.
4.4.2 Quality Assurance
A quality assurance (QA) process shall be considered in the design, selection of materi-
als, specifications, fabrication, construction, installation, operating procedures, maintenance,
and testing of fusion facilities. The requirements of 10 CFR 830.120 shall be used for develop-
ment of this program.
A Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is developed by applying the QA criteria specified in
Sections using a graded approach. The QAP discusses how these criteria are
satisfied. Appropriate standards are used, wherever applicable, to develop and implement the
QAP. Management
A written QAP must be developed, implemented, and maintained. The QAP will describe
the organizational structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and interfaces for
those managing, performing, and assessing the work, as well as management processes,
including planning, scheduling, and resource considerations (cf. Sections 4.14.4).
Personnel must be trained and qualified to ensure that they are capable of performing
their assigned work. Continuing training is provided to ensure that job proficiency is maintained
(cf. Section 4.4.7).
Processes to detect and prevent quality problems must be established and implemented.
Items, services, and processes that do not meet established requirements are identified, con-
trolled, and corrected according to the importance of the problem and the work affected. Correc-
tion includes identifying the causes of problems and working to prevent recurrence. Item charac-
teristics, process implementation, and other quality-related information are reviewed, and the
data are analyzed to identify items, services, and processes needing improvement.
Documents must be prepared, reviewed, approved, issued, used, and revised to pre-
scribe processes, specify requirements, or establish design. Records are specified, prepared,
reviewed, approved, and maintained (cf. Section 4.4.1).
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