| ![]() DOE-STD-6005-2001
Description of the operation and associated work activities/tasks, including the
identity of management/supervisory personnel responsible for the operation.
Inventory of types and sources of potential health hazards (e.g., chemical, physical,
or biological agents and ergonomic stressors).
Description of the extant exposure hazard controls (e.g., engineering,
administrative, work practice, personal protective equipment) and the results of any
supporting measurements or performance data relating to their effectiveness or
Description/explanation of any significant environmental conditions/factors that
could affect worker exposure potential, and/or exposure sampling or
Identification of potentially exposed personnel (note: see Paragraph k.1., below,
"Monitoring/Sampling Data Record" concerning privacy protections), including
the rationale employed in selecting specific workers to monitor/sample; include
frequency and duration of potential worker exposures, as appropriate.
A technical description of the exposure assessment strategy and
monitoring/sampling protocol(s) used, and the identification of the applicable
industrial hygiene standard(s).
The results of all exposure monitoring/sampling measurements (see Paragraph k,
below, for guidance on the content of "Monitoring/Sampling Data Record").
Interpretation of all monitoring/sampling results and other measurements relating
to the worker exposure assessment, relative to established standards; rationale for
estimates of exposure levels should be provided (e.g., statistical variability,
application of SAE), as appropriate; personal exposure levels should be expressed
in appropriate measurement parameters to compare against recognized
occupational exposure standards, e.g., 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA)
concentration, short-term exposure level (STEL), peak or ceiling concentration, or
average sound pressure level, dBA.
Description of any recommended, additional control measures, including
engineering, administrative or work practice controls, and/or use of personal
protective equipment, to reduce worker exposures to within acceptable exposure
levels and as low as practicable.
Where applicable, a detailed schedule (including for regular progress reports) for
the implementation of any required health hazard prevention and control measures,
including any long-term abatement and interim control measures.
Monitoring/Sampling Data Record: at a minimum, should include the following
types of information:
1. Unique identifiers - keyed to but different from personal identifiers - for each
employee sampled or, where representative monitoring is performed, for all
employees represented by the monitoring results. Identifiers must not compromise
personal privacy.
2. Type, location, date, duration, and number of samples taken; sample
identification numbers and sample chain of custody record.
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