| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
Each DOE ORR consists of systematic reviews of readiness activities as defined by the criteria and
review approaches to assess whether operations could be conducted safely if allowed to start or resume.
In most cases, the systematic review should start with the record of the contractor ORR. In addition, the
ORR team evaluates the operators' performance in conducting ongoing activities, such as equipment
operability checks and dry runs, and the simulated operations requested by the Team Leader. In many
cases, it is appropriate to observe an exercise of the operational personnel in unusual or upset conditions
and the related abnormal or emergency responses.
The foundation for readiness of the nuclear facility is an approved safety basis as defined in approved
facility safety documentation, approved environmental documentation, satisfactory safe working
environment, and compliance with DOE Orders and requirements. The ORR must verify that the
necessary approved requirements documentation is in place and that procedures, personnel, and
equipment and systems support the approved requirements. It is not a requirement that the ORR process
approve the foundation documentation--only to verify that it is complete, approved, and implemented as
required by the core requirements of DOE O 425.1B. Critical to the establishment of operational
requirements are formal agreements between the operating contractor and DOE delineating these
requirements (e.g., S/RIDs, WSS, List of DOE Orders). These are generally in the form of a contract
standards, which are required by the DOE Acquisition Regulations (DEAR) for nuclear facilities, listing.
The content includes requirements that govern the safe operations of the facility. A systematic review of
the facility's conformance to these requirements should be performed. In many situations, a recent
verification of implementation of the contracts standards into site manuals of practice will be available.
In those situations, it is only necessary for the ORR team to verify implementation of the site manuals of
practice in facility or activity being evaluated by the ORR. These requirements should be verified by the
operating entity to have been implemented in the facility, or DOE approved compensatory measures put
in place during the period of implementation. DOE should approve the compensatory measures and the
implementation period if needed.
The DOE ORR should include assessment of the technical and managerial qualifications of those in the
DOE field organization who have been assigned responsibilities for direction and guidance to the
contractor, including the Facility Representative. A similar review should be made of the qualifications
of contractor personnel responsible for facility operations.
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