| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
c. Prepare for conduct of DOE ORR. DOE Handbook, DOE-HDBK-3012-96, Guide to Good Practices
for Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR), Team Leader's Guide, has been developed to provide
information useful to an ORR Team Leader in preparation and conduct of an ORR or RA. The handbook
contains discussion on process for preparation and conduct of the review. It also contains a lessons
learned section which is a compilation of the lessons learned from the first several years of conducting
ORRs. The handbook is a useful guide for both experienced team leaders as well as those with less
experience. Additional information that helps the Team Leader prepare for the ORR is available on the
DOE ORR Internet Home Page at http://www.dp.doe.gov/CTG/RESOURCE/orr/default.htm.
d. Manage the ORR in accordance with the Implementation Plan and information in DOE O 425.1B and
this standard.
e. Manage the preparation and promulgation of the ORR Final Report. Section 5.9.3 discusses this
f. Remain available to participate, as required, by management in the closure verification of the ORR
5.4.5 Criteria and Review Approaches. The reviews conducted by each ORR team are guided by
CRADs defined in the ORR Implementation Plan. The CRADs should be grouped into functional areas.
The selection of functional areas and the specific groupings is decided at the discretion of the ORR Team
Leader. The selections should be based on the scope of the ORR and the expertise of the team members.
Appendix 4 provides examples which can be used in developing the specific CRADs for the specific
ORR. The ORR plan-of-action breadth determination will have provided the required core requirements.
The ORR Implementation Plan CRADs defines the evaluation process of the core requirements.
5.4.6 Conduct of the DOE Operational Readiness Review. After receiving and accepting a
Readiness to Proceed Memorandum and when authorized by the authorization authority, the ORR will
begin. The ORR team uses the criteria and review approaches defined in the ORR Implementation Plan.
The ORR team members assess whether the criteria assigned to them for review have been met. The
senior members actively participate in the reviews performed by the team members and assist the Team
Leader in providing oversight of the ORR.
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