| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
In most cases, a key element of the DOE ORR is a detailed review of the methods and results of the
contractor's ORR. The results, including corrective actions, should be assessed for adequacy and
effectiveness. The DOE ORR should conduct additional selected detailed assessments to verify the
findings of the contractor ORR as well as review areas that the record of the contractor ORR indicates
had not received adequate review in either breadth or depth.
During the DOE ORR, the documentation of review findings and the assembly of objective evidence of
operational readiness is the responsibility of individual team members in accordance with specific
direction given by the Team Leader and the senior members. Each team member's review activity, as
well as findings, should be documented on standard ORR Assessment and ORR Deficiency Forms (see
Forms 1 and 2 in Appendix 4).
During the course of the DOE ORR, it is important that a close dialogue between the facility
management and the ORR team leadership be maintained. As part of the dialogue, preliminary or draft
deficiency identifications may be provided to management to ensure a full understanding of all issues,
and to permit presentation of additional information. A daily meeting between facility management and
ORR leadership is suggested for this dialogue. Such identification of deficiencies to facility management
is only to be done to ensure full understanding of pertinent issues and information. Deficiencies resulting
in findings identified at any point in the ORR are to be included in the ORR Final Report and formally
addressed for resolution and closure regardless of any interim actions which may be taken by line
management to address such deficiencies.
At the end of the DOE ORR, the team members complete their evaluation of the operational readiness of
the facility and submit their findings to the Team Leader and senior members. The senior members
review the team members' findings and assist the Team Leader in developing a recommendation
regarding the readiness to safely start or resume program work in the facility. A report is prepared by the
ORR team to document the results of the ORR and provide justification for the team's conclusion as to
whether startup or restart of the facility can proceed safely. The report also identifies any open findings
including those that must be resolved prior to resumption of operations.
There shall be a statement in each ORR Final Report as to whether the facility has established an agreed
upon set of requirements to govern safe operations of the facility. This set of requirements, generally in
the form of an Authorization Agreement, should be formalized with DOE through the contract or other
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