| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
3.5 Core Requirement: A fundamental area or topic of review evaluated during an ORR or RA
to assess whether a facility can be operated safely.
3.6 Corrective Action Plan. A defined and documented strategy for the correction of findings (which
defines the deficiency), describes the actions that are be taken, assigns responsibility for the actions,
discusses how the actions address and correct the finding, and indicates the dates when the actions will
be complete.
3.7 Criteria. Rules and tests against which the quality of performance for a core requirement can be
measured. Fundamental criteria are based on DOE Orders, policies, and on other statutory requirements
included in contract List A and List B standards or requirements.
3.8 Declaration of Readiness to Operate. See Readiness to Proceed Memorandum.
3.9 Depth. The depth of review relates to the level of analysis, documentation or action by which a
particular review objective is assessed. The depth to which different review objectives assessed may
vary within an individual readiness review. Depth could vary from a simple records review to a detailed
assessment including review of all records, all references, and all involved individuals and physical
spaces. The depth is defined in the Implementation Plan prepared by the ORR or RA team.
3.10 Directed Shutdown. An unscheduled termination of program operations or activities directed by
contractor management, local DOE officials, or by DOE Headquarters.
3.11 Evaluation/Evaluate. The process to determine the significance or worth of something by
careful appraisal or study.
3.12 Facility Shutdown. (1) The situation in which a reactor is taken subcritical either manually or
automatically to a safe shutdown condition, or (2) the condition in which a non-reactor nuclear facility
ceases program work, or (3) the condition in which a programmatic nuclear explosive or nuclear
experimental activity ceases (structure containing the activity may remain operational, i.e., not shut
down). In a shutdown condition, a facility must still meet all applicable technical safety requirements
and environmental, safety, and health requirements.
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