| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
3.13 Final Report. A document prepared by the ORR/RA team at the completion of the ORR/RA
which describes the results of the ORR/RA. The Final Report contains the methodology used to conduct
the review, the conclusions drawn by the team, the findings identified, and a recommendation as to the
readiness of the facility being reviewed to start program work. Section 5.9.3 provides additional details
concerning the preparation and content of the Final Report.
3.14 Finding. An identified deficiency. Findings may be classified by the ORR team as either
prestart or post-start, as defined below.
a. Prestart Finding - A finding that must be resolved before an activity can be started.
b. Post-start Finding - A finding that must be resolved, but may be corrected after the start of the
activity. Post-start findings are addressed by a corrective action plan which includes any
compensatory measures taken.
3.15 Functional Areas. Discrete groups of related safety and support programs.
3.16 Graded Approach. The process used to determine the level of analysis, documentation, and
actions necessary to comply with a requirement are commensurate with: (1) the relative importance to
safety, safeguards, and security; (2) the magnitude of any hazard involved; (3) the life cycle stage of a
facility; (4) the programmatic mission of a facility; (5) the particular characteristics of a facility; (6) the
complexity of the weapons-related or research activity; and (7) any other relevant factor.
3.17 Hazard. A source of danger (e.g., material, energy source, or operation) with the potential to
cause illness, injury, or death to personnel or damage to a facility or to the environment (without regard
for the likelihood or credibility of accident scenarios or consequence mitigation).
3.17.1 Hazard Categories. The consequences of unmitigated releases of radioactive and/or
hazardous material are evaluated as required by DOE 5480.23 and classified by the following Hazard
a. Category 1. The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant offsite consequences.
b. Category 2. The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant onsite consequences.
c. Category 3. The hazard analysis shows the potential for only significant localized consequences.
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