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Report should be part of the endorsement to the Readiness to Proceed Memorandum which indicates that
the conclusions reached by the DOE ORR support the recommendation in the endorsement.
The core requirements, in aggregate, address many of the core functions and guiding principles of an
ISMS. The final report should include a discussion regarding the Team Leader's assessment of the
adequacy of the implementation of those functions and principles, which may have been addressed by the
ORR at the facility undergoing the review. To more clearly show the relationship of ISM principles to
the ORR expectations, the core requirements are listed as they relate to each of the principles of ISM.
Therefore, through an evaluation of the results of the ORR in relation to the individual core requirements,
it is reasonable to draw a conclusion as to the maturity and effectiveness of ISM implementation at the
facilities or activities within the scope of the given ORR or RA. This is not either direction or inference
that any additional review be added to the ORR/RA process to address ISM. Only to the extent that the
ISM processes are visible in the established review should they be evaluated and commented on.
5.7 ORR Follow-Up. The completion of the ORR and the finalizing of the report are not the end of
the ORR process, nor the team's involvement in that process. Several actions require the participation of
the Team Leader, as well as team members. The Team Leader should notify all team members of future
involvement concerning close-out briefings, interpretation (and possible justification) of findings, review
of corrective action plans for adequacy, and review of final closure actions. Line management may
request members of the team to assist in closing findings. That is a line management function. The team
can make recommendations regarding who should close the findings (see section 5.7.3).
5.7.1 Post-ORR Presentations. The Team Leader must coordinate any follow-up meetings, which
include closeout meetings with the affected facility and/or programmatic line management, debriefings of
the team, and presentation of the report to upper management (responsible contractor and DOE). The
Team Leader may be required by the Secretarial Officer (or other appointing authority) to present the
team report to upper DOE management, and discuss the contractor corrective action plans. Presentations
may be required to internal or external interested groups as well. In addition, it may be appropriate for
the Team Leader to indicate a recommended organization to verify proper closure of individual prestart

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